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July 15, 2021

S2E15 - The Holy War

Teach the controversy. Chris foolishly dives headfirst into the most controversial debate of the internet age. --- *Search Categories* Anthropological; Internet culture --- *Topic Spoiler* The war on how to pronounce GIF --- *Further Reading*…

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July 15, 2021

2 - The Filmmakers

What the @#$% do we know? In their 2nd episode, Kayla and Chris dig into another topic with a personal connection - and it all stems from one little bleep'n movie you may have heard about. (and the quantum flapdoodle runs deep) Search Categories --- New Age; Science / Pseudoscience;…

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July 15, 2021

S2E14 - The Volunteers

May we live long and die out. Kayla discovers a group that exists to cease. --- *Search Categories* Anthropological; Common interest / Fandom --- *Topic Spoiler* the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement --- *Further Reading*!…

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July 15, 2021

S2E8 - The Researcher

The trouble with quotes about death is that 99.9% of them are made by people who are still alive. -Joshua Burns Kayla and Chris get spiritual, contemplate unknowable questions of existence, and become disappointed in an "academic" ... again. --- *Search Categories* Science / Pseudoscience --- *Topic Spoiler* Afterlife Science…

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July 15, 2021

17 - The Spirits

This episode: so fun, it's scary. Kayla & Chris wrap up their Halloween themed topic and decide if it's a cult, or just weird. --- *Search Categories* Business --- *Topic Spoiler* Spirit Halloween, pt2 --- *Further Reading* Spirit Halloween Wikipedia Spirit Halloween facts on Mental Floss Bloomberg article on Halloween…

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July 15, 2021

5 - The Catalyst

Did it really happen the way you remember? In CoJW's first two parter, Kayla and Chris tackle a surprisingly huge topic - and peel back the many layers to try to understand an interesting but dark persona made famous on the internet. Search Categories --- New Age; Business; Internet Culture;…

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July 15, 2021

S2E2 - The Appetizer

Nothing tastes as good as addressing a broken system feels. Chris and Kayla take a bite out of a topic that's been eating at Kayla since they started this show. **content warning: If dieting and eating disorder related content isn't for you, please consider skipping this episode. --- *Search Categories*…

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July 15, 2021

12 - The Creators

Creativity is a verb, not a noun. Chris & Kayla tackle a rough one today. Content warning: White Supremacy, but we promise if you stick through to the end of the episode, we end on a much nicer note. Search Categories --- Destructive; Conspiracy Theory Topic Spoiler --- Creativity Movement…

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July 15, 2021

7 - The Americans

Cult or Just Culture? This episode's topic has "cult" in the name, so case closed, right? Wellllll... we'll get to that. Search Categories --- New Religious Movement; Anthropological Topic Spoiler --- Cargo Cults & John Frum Further Reading --- John Frum Wikipedia article SJSU article Slate article Smithsonian Magazine article…

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July 15, 2021

20 - The Culties

Awards shows are rituals of indulgent, narcissistic filler. It's the CoJW season one finale! Chris & Kayla revisit cults and weirds from all season to bestow some very prestigious and not at all fake awards. --- *Search Categories* Popular Episode --- *Topic Spoiler* Cult or Just Weird Season 1 recap…

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July 15, 2021

S2E1 - The Experts

"You cannot save people. You can only love them." -Anais Nin Welcome to Cult or Just Weird... SEASON 2. In this episode Chris and Kayla talk about the importance of expertise, and about what happens when the cult is coming from inside the house. --- *Search Categories* Science / Pseudoscience;…

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July 15, 2021

S2E5 - The Tulpa

Cult or Just Weird revisits a topic from Season 1... this time, with a friend or two. Chris & Kayla interview one of the subjects of conversation from CoJW's season one Tulpa episodes (13 & 14). --- *Search Categories* Internet culture; Common interest / Fandom --- *Topic Spoiler* Interview with…

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July 15, 2021

18 - The Blueprints

We just took a DNA test, turns out... To set the stage for the next cult-or-just-weird in question, Chris & Kayla dig into some very cool molecular biology. --- *Search Categories* Science / Pseudoscience; Business; MLM; Alt Medicine / Wellness --- *Topic Spoiler* Ben Lynch & SeekingHealth --- *Further Reading*…

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July 15, 2021

16 - The Hermit Crabs

What do crustaceans, ghosts, and apocalypses have in common? Kayla and Chris welcome in the spooky season with an on-theme episode. --- *Search Categories* Business --- *Topic Spoiler* Spirit Halloween, pt1 --- *Further Reading* Retail apocalypse Wikipedia Vox retail apocalypse article Spirit Halloween Wikipedia Twisp River Joe Marver arson details…

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July 15, 2021

S2E9 - The Device

Your call may be monitored for ghostly assurance purposes. Turns out Kayla was holding back on the juiciest bits of the Afterlife Sciences story last episode... --- *Search Categories* Science / Pseudoscience; Business --- *Topic Spoiler* The Soul Phone --- *Further Reading*…

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July 15, 2021

15 - The Actuaries

Don't forget to make your bed, brush your teeth, and contemplate your mortality. Chris & Kayla take a break from talking about cults to discuss life insurance. ... Just kidding on the first part of that sentence. --- *Search Categories* Business; Anthropological --- *Topic Spoiler* Woodmen Life & Modern Woodmen…

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July 15, 2021

6 - The Catalyst, pt 2

Primum non nocere. It's part two of CoJW's take on the Teal Swan New Age & self help business empire. Search Categories --- New Age; Business; Internet Culture; Destructive Topic Spoiler --- Teal Swan, pt2 Further Reading --- NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE: 1-800-273-8255 CRISIS TEXT LINE Teal Swan Youtube Teal…

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July 15, 2021

3 - The City

How much do you really know about the place you live? Kayla and Chris get geographical and tackle a topic that stretches the definition of cult to its limit. Or does it? Search Categories --- Business; Anthropological Topic Spoiler --- City of Irvine, CA Further Reading --- Irvine on…

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July 15, 2021

1 - The Sanctuary

Have you ever worked somewhere that had bizarre secret history? Welcome to the first episode of Cult or Just Weird! In the premiere, Kayla and Chris notice a loose thread that, when pulled, just keeps unraveling... ...but is it a cult, or just weird? --- *Search Categories* Popular Episode; New…

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