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S5E1 - The Wives & Their Father

Experience is the teacher of all things. - Julius Caesar

Kayla and Chris kick off Season 5 by going to a cult within a cult... culturducken.


*Search Categories*

New Age; New Religious Movement


*Topic Spoiler*

The Source Family


*Further Reading*,Sunset%20Strip%20in%20Los%20Angeles.


*Patreon Credits*


Michaela Evans, Heather Aunspach, Alyssa Ottum, David Whiteside, Jade A, amy sarah marshall, Martina Dobson, Eillie Anzilotti, Patrick St-Onge, Lewis Brown, Kelly Smith Upton, Wild Hunt Alex


Jenny Lamb, Matthew Walden, Rebecca Kirsch, Pam Westergard, Ryan Quinn, Paul Sweeney, Erin Bratu, Liz T, Lianne Cole, Samantha Bayliff, Katie Larimer, Fio H, Jessica Senk, Proper Gander, Nancy Carlson, Carly Westergard-Dobson, banana, Megan Blackburn, Instantly Joy, Athena of CaveSystem, John Grelish, Rose Kerchinske, Annika Ramen, Alicia Smith, Kevin, Velm, Dan Malmud, tiny, Liz T, Dom, Ragnheiður Eiríksdóttir, Benevolent Loki, Tribe Label - Panda - Austin