It can poison your soul.
Chris and Kayla talk with one of their favorite conspiracy theory/spirituality/cultic studies writer & podcaster - and dive deep into bodily fascism, the yoga community, and what conspiritualists get right.
Special thanks to Matthew Remski for his time & (incredibly clarifying) insights for this episode!
*Search Categories*
New Age; Science/Pseudoscience; Internet culture; Destructive; Conspiracy Theory; Alt Medicine/Wellness
*Topic Spoiler*
Interview with Matt Remski of the Conspirituality Podcast
*Further Reading*
*Patreon Credits*
Michaela Evans, Heather Aunspach, Annika Ramen, Zero Serres, Alyssa Ottum
Matthew Walden, Rebecca Kirsch, Pam Westergard, Ryan Quinn, Paul Sweeney, Erin Bratu, Liz T, Lianne Cole, Samantha Bayliff, Katie Larimer, Fio H, Jessica Senk, Proper Gander, Kelly Smith Upton, Nancy Carlson, Carly Westergard-Dobson, Benjamin Herman, Anna Krasner