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Aug. 6, 2019

S1E11 - The Restaurant (Loving Hut)

Cult Or Just Weird

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Is there anything more ritualistic than a meal?

Chris and Kayla go out into the field and do some deliciously weird research in order to answer this episode's question.


*Search Categories*

New Religious Movement; Business


*Topic Spoiler*

Loving Hut


*Further Reading*


Vice article


LA Weekly article


Phoenix New Times article


My Recipes article


Supreme Master Ching Hai herself


Supreme Master TV

00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:27,104
Chris: Are we recording?

00:00:27,152 --> 00:00:37,620
Kayla: We're recording. Recording. And I don't know. Should I say upfront that the episode that we're about to do, we're gonna be kind of jumping around through time and space?

00:00:38,800 --> 00:00:39,616
Chris: What?

00:00:39,808 --> 00:00:48,168
Kayla: So we're gonna go ahead and record the intro, and then you and I are going to go out into the field.

00:00:48,344 --> 00:00:53,944
Chris: Oh, into, like, into space? Cause you said jumping around time and space, like in a space.

00:00:53,992 --> 00:00:58,034
Kayla: Not outer space, just three dimensional space. Physical space.

00:00:58,122 --> 00:00:58,578
Chris: Meat space.

00:00:58,634 --> 00:01:04,994
Kayla: Meat space. Yeah, that is the sex version of MySpace that's always on, like, the side crawls of porn.

00:01:05,081 --> 00:01:07,826
Chris: Yeah. Meat space. Hot.

00:01:07,978 --> 00:01:10,922
Kayla: And this is not meat space. This is Kayla.

00:01:11,066 --> 00:01:14,858
Chris: Oh, and Chris. And this is cult or just meat space.

00:01:14,954 --> 00:01:15,910
Kayla: Oh, God.

00:01:16,250 --> 00:01:17,234
Chris: Just weird. Sorry.

00:01:17,282 --> 00:01:29,500
Kayla: Please don't say that ever again. Yeah, so this is my episode. We are. We're gonna talk a little bit, go out into the field, then come back and finish the talk. So should I just jump in? Do you have any business?

00:01:30,320 --> 00:01:34,712
Chris: I'm just. No, go ahead. Because I don't know what you're talking about.

00:01:34,776 --> 00:01:36,184
Kayla: I can just start reading my script.

00:01:36,352 --> 00:01:37,060
Chris: Please.

00:01:38,040 --> 00:02:30,190
Kayla: In 1969, Jim Baker, then known as Father Yod, opened the source restaurant on LA's Sunset Strip. The source served organic vegetarian food and attracted enough celebrity clients to open two more locations and even make an appearance in the movie Annie hall. At its peak, the restaurant took in $10,000 a day, allowing father Yod to support a commune of young people living together in a mansion in the Hollywood hills. Calling themselves the source family, they were secretive about their beliefs, but generally adopted healthy living lifestyles, natural health, organic vegetarian diets, communal living, and just had these general utopian ideals. They wore white robes, had weird marriage arrangements, and are considered a cult by enough of mainstream society that they were parodied in an episode of documentary now poking fun at the documentary Wild country.

00:02:31,170 --> 00:02:37,050
Chris: Wait, this wasn't. Sorry. So they're not part of the Rajneesh?

00:02:37,090 --> 00:02:45,866
Kayla: No, but do you remember. Spoiler alert for documentary now. But do you remember when they were talking about the Owen Wilson character and his background? Yeah, that was a parody of father Yadda's background.

00:02:45,938 --> 00:02:50,122
Chris: Was like a. Like a jamba juice. Whatever. Healthy. Got it.

00:02:50,186 --> 00:02:52,990
Kayla: Okay, but we're not talking about them today.

00:02:53,490 --> 00:02:55,250
Chris: Oh, well, but we just did.

00:02:55,330 --> 00:02:57,930
Kayla: We did. But this podcast isn't about them.

00:02:58,050 --> 00:02:58,890
Chris: Okay.

00:02:59,050 --> 00:03:31,010
Kayla: In 1973, a group calling itself the Light Brigade opened a restaurant called the Yellow Deli in Chattanooga. Like the source restaurant, the yellow deli adopted a very flower child hippy dippy aesthetic. And while they don't focus on vegetarian and organic food. They definitely made it clear that they were here to serve a hip, alternative crowd wanting to order sandwiches named after Beatles songs. The light Brigade eventually evolved into the christian group known as the twelve Tribes, eventually opening over 15 restaurants across the world. Wait, let me keep going.

00:03:31,090 --> 00:03:31,522
Chris: Okay.

00:03:31,586 --> 00:03:46,690
Kayla: Because of their fundamentalist, segregationist, homophobic, misogynistic, and child abusive beliefs, the restaurant had these beliefs. The 12th tribes is widely regarded by mainstream society as a cult. But we're not talking about them today either.

00:03:48,110 --> 00:03:52,326
Chris: Why not? Can we, though? Can we. Can we. Can we put them on the list? What?

00:03:52,478 --> 00:03:53,470
Kayla: You're teasing me.

00:03:53,470 --> 00:03:56,054
Chris: This is cult tease. I have blue cult balls.

00:03:56,102 --> 00:04:11,456
Kayla: Sorry. The reason why we're not talking about these two groups is because by and large, they're known cults. Source restaurant is no longer operational, and that cult generally disbanded after the death of father Yod. I want to say he was like, hang gliding in Hawaii, but I could be making that.

00:04:11,488 --> 00:04:12,712
Chris: Oh, God. It's a good way to go.

00:04:12,736 --> 00:04:33,420
Kayla: They move to Hawaii eventually. And the twelve tribes generates a lot of press with their general cultishness. Like the child. They have children. They've violated child labor laws. They're kind of abusive. They're very. Men are better than women. They're very, like, we should have segregation because multiculturalism leads to problems. They're very scary.

00:04:33,840 --> 00:04:41,420
Chris: Yeah. So, I mean, I was wondering that actually, when you said that, I was like. Or when you were describing them. I'm like, should we be doing these guys? They're cults for sure.

00:04:41,800 --> 00:04:56,160
Kayla: So instead, today I want to talk about a group that's probably less known than the source family, probably less known than the yellow deli. At least it's less known to me. And there are far fewer movie appearances and articles than the other two.

00:04:56,280 --> 00:05:00,466
Chris: Okay. And hopefully, until now, they hit the podcast circuit with us.

00:05:00,568 --> 00:05:10,902
Kayla: Hopefully by the end of this, we can figure out why the fuck there are multiple restaurants out there in the world owned and operated by cult or cult adjacent groups. Cause that's really weird to me.

00:05:11,046 --> 00:05:16,050
Chris: Yeah. The fact that we're, like, on our third one and you've been talking for five minutes is really creepy.

00:05:16,430 --> 00:05:22,790
Kayla: Today I want to talk about a restaurant called Loving Hut. Have you ever heard of loving hut?

00:05:22,950 --> 00:05:26,198
Chris: No, I still. I'm just. I can't believe we're talking about a restaurant on this show.

00:05:26,294 --> 00:05:30,574
Kayla: Oh, yeah. Called Lovinghut. Good. And you've never heard of loving hut?

00:05:30,622 --> 00:05:30,926
Chris: No.

00:05:30,998 --> 00:05:37,050
Kayla: Okay, then I'll talk about loving hut, and then you and I are gonna go have lunch at loving hut?

00:05:38,910 --> 00:05:39,730
Chris: Yes.

00:05:40,070 --> 00:05:46,878
Kayla: And we'll record a little bit of it for our listeners. We'll try not to bore you too much. We'll try not to have a lot of, like, mouth sounds of chewing, but just know.

00:05:46,934 --> 00:05:53,742
Chris: Well, I mean, again, we're part ASMR on this show for when we do the criteria and we, you know, we crinkle the paper, so I don't know.

00:05:53,846 --> 00:05:55,438
Kayla: So we'll have it as an option.

00:05:55,534 --> 00:05:59,910
Chris: Yeah, we'll do. We should, like, supplemental content, like us chewing our food.

00:06:00,030 --> 00:06:24,252
Kayla: Yeah. Oh, there's this, like, new trend I'm seeing on the social media of people taking, like, iconic scenes from, like, social media or, like, other, like, YouTube videos and stuff and, like, redubbing all of the audio into whispers. So it'll be like, fights of, like, real housewives in Beverly Hills, but they'll be whispering at each other like this to make it into, like, ASMR is so funny.

00:06:24,436 --> 00:06:26,580
Chris: That sounds fucking amazing.

00:06:26,660 --> 00:06:34,612
Kayla: But it's not a cult or just weird. It's cool. Loving hut is one of those two things. We're gonna figure it out.

00:06:34,756 --> 00:06:37,588
Chris: Okay, let me. You're not gonna, like, accidentally join a cult again, are you?

00:06:37,604 --> 00:06:56,258
Kayla: I probably will. Okay, let me just describe the restaurant for you, and then we can go from there. Loving Hut is a vegan restaurant chain founded by a vietnamese businesswoman named Ching Hai. There are over 140 locations across Asia, Europe, whoa. North and South America, Africa, and Australia.

00:06:56,354 --> 00:06:57,066
Chris: What?

00:06:57,258 --> 00:07:07,698
Kayla: In the US? Loving Hut has restaurants in 15 states. Each location creates its own unique menu of vegan cuisine and ranges from fast food style to full service style restaurants.

00:07:07,754 --> 00:07:10,530
Chris: So we're going because it's vegan? That's the real impetus here.

00:07:10,570 --> 00:07:31,758
Kayla: Yeah, vegan is definitely a cult. From the Loving Hut website. Loving Hut was created with a vision that all beings could live in peace, love and harmony with each other and the planet. Loving hut chain restaurants are newly opening around the world. It is an invitation to gourmet cuisine made with wholesome vegan ingredients, offering an accessible starting point for those making the noble transition to a plant based diet.

00:07:31,894 --> 00:07:32,998
Chris: Are you trying to convert me?

00:07:33,054 --> 00:07:35,622
Kayla: Yes, absolutely. I'm not a vegan.

00:07:35,806 --> 00:07:37,530
Chris: Well, okay, fair.

00:07:37,910 --> 00:08:07,888
Kayla: Loving hut is currently the fastest growing international vegan fast food chain in the world, with branches in milpitas. Really? According to their website, Milpitas Palo Alto in San Francisco. Internationally, branches are currently open in Formosa, Taiwan, Aulaq, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. More branches will be opening in various locations around the world in the coming months. Now that still sounds relatively normal, right? Like, no more weird or cultish than any other vegan restaurant in, like, Santa Monica or Portland or Boston or whatever.

00:08:07,944 --> 00:08:10,900
Chris: Right? I was gonna say, yeah, there's plenty of those around here.

00:08:11,240 --> 00:08:31,828
Kayla: So. Okay, let's get into it, and then we'll go to the restaurant. I had no idea loving Hut would ever be something we would cover on this podcast until I received a text from our wonderful friend Paul that was just a link to the Google search. Is loving hut a cult? I immediately responded in all caps, if loving hut is a cult, I will kill myself.

00:08:31,964 --> 00:08:34,587
Chris: Okay, so. So there's some incentive here.

00:08:34,644 --> 00:08:50,850
Kayla: Oh, yeah. Dear listeners, as you'll remember from our Irvine episode, I grew up in Orange county, and lovinghut operates not one, not two, but three restaurants in the Orange county area, surprisingly none of which are in Irvine. And for quite a while, it was.

00:08:50,930 --> 00:08:52,970
Chris: It's like turf, you know? It's like cult turf. You can't.

00:08:53,010 --> 00:09:21,516
Kayla: Yeah, for a little while, it was kind of like the only. One of the only vegan restaurants you could get to. Like, I've been there, my sister's been there. I'm sure probably nearly every vegetarian in the OC area has been to lovinghut at one point or another. And apparently it might be a cult. Not wanting to believe it, I started doing some digging, and unfortunately, if you Google is loving how to cult, the first thing you get back is a link to a vice article titled visiting the vegan restaurant chain owned by a cult now.

00:09:21,548 --> 00:09:23,300
Chris: Well, that pretty much wraps it up then, I guess.

00:09:23,340 --> 00:09:29,628
Kayla: Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Vice may be ready to call loving how to cult, but we still need to go through all the information and decide for ourselves.

00:09:29,684 --> 00:09:35,992
Chris: Right? Right, of course. But just to be clear, I trust vice implicitly. I would trust them with my baby.

00:09:36,096 --> 00:09:49,752
Kayla: I'll be honest, I don't have high hopes for this one. I'm gonna go ahead and read for you the rest of loving hutts about section on their website, and I would like you to stop me when I hit a cult red flag for you. Stop me when it's soundcloud.

00:09:49,776 --> 00:09:50,784
Chris: Other than the vice article.

00:09:50,912 --> 00:09:54,016
Kayla: Yes. Like when the actual words on their website.

00:09:54,088 --> 00:09:54,616
Chris: Okay.

00:09:54,728 --> 00:10:01,704
Kayla: Our vision loving hutt is a beacon of light for an alternative way of living to achieve world war, world peace already. Really?

00:10:01,832 --> 00:10:04,112
Chris: Yeah. Beacon of light for alternative lifestyle.

00:10:04,136 --> 00:10:06,140
Kayla: That just sounds like hippies. Vegan.

00:10:06,220 --> 00:10:07,188
Chris: Fine. Yellow flag.

00:10:07,244 --> 00:10:44,950
Kayla: Yeah. While striving to make our vision a reality, we continually focus on improving our core values. Our core values? Healthy, serve, 100% delicious plant based meals, using only natural and healthy ingredients. Compassion. Honor all lives to live in peace and harmony together. Green. Respect and protect Mother Earth through sustainable practices, including by being vegan. Treat each customer as a vip, a friend and a partner. Provide joyful experiences for customers, employees, friends, and families. Make loving hut a destination choice for all. And then it moves on into a faq, a frequently asked questions section.

00:10:44,990 --> 00:10:55,278
Chris: Yeah, the core values are. I mean, that's pretty innocuous, right? That's okay. That's like a nice company. Blizzard had core values, and the ones that you just told me weren't that weird. I mean, hippie, but not weird.

00:10:55,374 --> 00:10:56,158
Kayla: Just wait.

00:10:56,294 --> 00:10:56,918
Chris: Okay.

00:10:57,014 --> 00:11:37,414
Kayla: Why are the menus different at every loving hut? Each city is unique, and thus we believe in giving our loving hut chefs the freedom to create great local dishes and entrees. We want to bring out the best of all cultures and show that vegan dishes are not only healthy, but great tasting, too. Sounds nice. Question. What are the hours? Why wait? Oh, yeah, there's a lot of typos here. So the question was, what are the hours different at each loving hut? Obviously, they mean why? Each loving hut has a unique situations and customer traffic times, so they have the freedom to make hours that works best for them and their community. Why are there loving huts? That is fast food or full service dining? There are locations that serve fast food, casual counter service, or full service dining.

00:11:37,542 --> 00:11:42,878
Kayla: We give the freedom to the operators to choose the best service that fits their team. Environment, restaurant, and community.

00:11:42,974 --> 00:11:44,174
Chris: This all sounds pretty good so far.

00:11:44,222 --> 00:11:45,126
Kayla: Sounds great, right?

00:11:45,198 --> 00:11:45,470
Chris: Yeah.

00:11:45,510 --> 00:11:48,038
Kayla: Like, doesn't sound culty. It's like, yeah, do whatever you want.

00:11:48,174 --> 00:11:56,862
Chris: Yeah, no, it sounds like that's how I would want to run a company. Like, hey, you know, like, do the thing that works best for you and your team and your community. Like, you know, I trust you to blah, blah. Yeah.

00:11:56,926 --> 00:12:09,610
Kayla: How is your food so affordable? The vegan diet is great for environment, health, and shows compassion for all lives. Unfortunately, healthy choices by itself is not good enough. We recognize that the food must also be affordable for it to be everyone's food choice.

00:12:09,770 --> 00:12:11,650
Chris: Okay. Okay, that's good, too.

00:12:11,730 --> 00:12:17,578
Kayla: Doesn't really answer the how. Just kind of is a why. Doesn't really say how the food is affordable.

00:12:17,714 --> 00:12:18,750
Chris: Okay.

00:12:20,730 --> 00:12:25,204
Kayla: Here'S the next one. How is Supreme Master Qinghai involved?

00:12:25,322 --> 00:12:29,336
Chris: Supreme, can I put the red flag up now?

00:12:29,408 --> 00:12:47,220
Kayla: Yeah. Supreme Master Ching Hai is the innovator for loving hut vegan concept. She wants to help the world with a more compassionate and noble way of living by providing easy access to great vegan food all over the world. So the next thing I wrote was, so if you haven't stopped me by now, what the fuck is wrong with you? If you have stopped me by now, what the fuck?

00:12:49,240 --> 00:12:55,504
Chris: So my first question is, when we intro the show from now on, can I intro it as supreme master?

00:12:55,552 --> 00:12:56,864
Kayla: Chris, please do.

00:12:56,952 --> 00:13:02,584
Chris: Okay, good. Second question. Yeah. Is very similar to your question. That is, what the fuck?

00:13:02,632 --> 00:13:10,352
Kayla: Yeah. So we're gonna go to the restaurant now, but when we come back, we're gonna learn all about supreme.

00:13:10,416 --> 00:13:17,728
Chris: Is it safe to eat there? Am I gonna eat, like, some mind control spores?

00:13:17,744 --> 00:13:18,940
Kayla: You're fine. You're fine.

00:13:19,650 --> 00:13:22,338
Chris: Okay. I'll take your word for it.

00:13:22,434 --> 00:13:23,270
Kayla: You ready?

00:13:24,650 --> 00:13:28,070
Chris: No, let's go. Let's do it.

00:13:37,850 --> 00:13:54,060
Kayla: We are about to sit down now, and we don't know what to expect. We are open minded and we will see how it goes. It's really nice to be able to order literally anything off the menu.

00:13:54,800 --> 00:13:55,328
Chris: Right?

00:13:55,424 --> 00:13:56,192
Kayla: Oh, man.

00:13:56,296 --> 00:13:57,536
Chris: You as a vegetarian?

00:13:57,608 --> 00:13:58,260
Kayla: Yeah.

00:13:59,040 --> 00:14:01,800
Chris: This dish looks exactly like duck.

00:14:01,960 --> 00:14:03,032
Kayla: Do you want to get it?

00:14:03,176 --> 00:14:09,440
Chris: I was thinking maybe, like Wonton. Yeah, definitely wontons. Definitely crispy rolls and maybe Cele.

00:14:09,600 --> 00:14:10,894
Kayla: Oh, yeah, that sounds good.

00:14:11,072 --> 00:14:16,442
Chris: I'll get the fabulous mongolian because it looks like it's just a pile of meat, but there's obviously.

00:14:16,506 --> 00:14:19,750
Kayla: Hell, yeah. Do you want jackfruit salad or golden salad?

00:14:20,450 --> 00:14:21,122
Chris: Jackfruit.

00:14:21,186 --> 00:14:26,350
Kayla: Is it okay if I take a picture of you? Sure. I may veto, but you get a smile.

00:14:34,090 --> 00:14:35,870
Chris: Do you describe to me what you're saying.

00:14:39,900 --> 00:14:41,036
Kayla: I don't know.

00:14:41,148 --> 00:14:42,724
Chris: None of this is contract, by the way.

00:14:42,812 --> 00:14:43,252
Kayla: No.

00:14:43,356 --> 00:14:44,044
Chris: Yeah.

00:14:44,212 --> 00:14:48,160
Kayla: I kind of feel.

00:14:50,380 --> 00:14:51,308
Chris: At peace.

00:14:51,444 --> 00:15:07,596
Kayla: Discomfort at the thought of describing but what's currently playing on television. We'll talk about. I can fill you in.

00:15:07,708 --> 00:15:08,172
Chris: Great.

00:15:08,276 --> 00:15:11,200
Kayla: Yeah. Okay, so these are the Wontons.

00:15:11,820 --> 00:15:37,814
Chris: They look pretty good. Do you know what this is gonna be? Oh, jeez. That is hot as hell. Dipping the wonton. Sweet and sour. Hot wonton. Hot, hot wonton. So this is the jackfruit salad.

00:15:37,902 --> 00:15:38,890
Kayla: Jackfruit salad.

00:15:39,790 --> 00:15:41,062
Chris: That must be the Mongolian.

00:15:41,126 --> 00:15:44,902
Kayla: This is your mongolian filet. Yeah, we got. We got too much food.

00:15:44,926 --> 00:15:46,270
Chris: We got too much food for sure.

00:15:46,430 --> 00:15:47,610
Kayla: Crispy chopping.

00:15:48,950 --> 00:15:50,214
Chris: Yeah. Wise decision.

00:15:50,302 --> 00:15:54,642
Kayla: I know. It's like soybean and you got soybean, too.

00:15:54,806 --> 00:15:55,786
Chris: Yeah. How is it?

00:15:55,858 --> 00:15:56,714
Kayla: Really good.

00:15:56,882 --> 00:16:05,430
Chris: The act of eating, it's very ritualistic ritual in which we all participate.

00:16:06,810 --> 00:16:08,034
Kayla: Someone's watching television.

00:16:08,082 --> 00:16:09,950
Chris: Your big beef is good. Yeah.

00:16:11,010 --> 00:16:13,470
Kayla: Yeah, they know what they're doing.

00:16:15,010 --> 00:16:24,200
Chris: Damn. So I guess we want to be fair and balanced. We should also, like, take a trip to, like, a factory farm or something.

00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:25,960
Kayla: Oh, can't.

00:16:26,980 --> 00:16:28,000
Chris: I'll do it.

00:16:32,700 --> 00:16:34,116
Kayla: What was your favorite thing?

00:16:34,308 --> 00:16:35,160
Chris: Definitely.

00:16:36,580 --> 00:16:38,396
Kayla: Can we get a cheesecake to take home?

00:16:38,588 --> 00:16:39,640
Chris: Absolutely.

00:16:40,580 --> 00:16:44,320
Kayla: I just want to say that I'm coming.

00:16:45,590 --> 00:16:50,838
Chris: I mean, of the places where we would go to a vegan place.

00:16:50,974 --> 00:16:52,062
Kayla: I'm coming back.

00:16:52,206 --> 00:16:53,550
Chris: It's definitely this one.

00:16:53,670 --> 00:16:59,238
Kayla: It's delicious. Like, I might eat this in the car on the way home. It's so good.

00:16:59,374 --> 00:17:01,286
Chris: Yeah. I might just smear it all over my body.

00:17:01,358 --> 00:17:13,246
Kayla: Yeah. Spade in it, and pretty darn good price. 517 for two appetizers, a salad that we shared in two entrees, and a piece of cheesecake.

00:17:13,358 --> 00:17:14,781
Chris: All right, let's do this.

00:17:14,846 --> 00:17:22,450
Kayla: Let's get out of here. Where are the keys? You have the keys?

00:17:23,030 --> 00:17:24,210
Chris: Yeah, I have the keys.

00:17:39,180 --> 00:17:40,564
Kayla: All right. Wait, hold on.

00:17:40,732 --> 00:17:41,252
Chris: Somewhere.

00:17:41,316 --> 00:17:49,772
Kayla: Wait, wait. I want to take a picture of something. Oh, you did get a card. Where'd you get this from?

00:17:49,916 --> 00:17:56,292
Chris: Right up at the counter for a card. And they were like, oh, here you go. Here's the menu. I'm like, but I'll take this.

00:17:56,356 --> 00:17:57,804
Kayla: Didn't try to promote it.

00:17:57,892 --> 00:17:58,532
Chris: Yeah.

00:17:58,676 --> 00:18:01,468
Kayla: So the card that Christopher received.

00:18:01,564 --> 00:18:02,564
Chris: Oh, are we recording already?

00:18:02,612 --> 00:18:03,284
Kayla: We're still recording.

00:18:03,332 --> 00:18:04,350
Chris: Oh, we're just still recording.

00:18:04,420 --> 00:18:20,218
Kayla: Is for the television station, which is called supreme master television. And it's very interesting to me that you asked. You specifically asked for a card. Well, so what I did try to push this one. They. They didn't even, like, hand it to you. Right? There's a car behind you.

00:18:20,314 --> 00:18:51,000
Chris: I am. So I always either get a. This is like a, I don't know, weird habit collection thingy that I do. Got it from a friend of mine in college. But I always ask for a business card or a matchbox or something just to, like, put in my collection of restaurants I've been to. So that's what I asked for this time. And. Yeah. And they gave me a menu, but there were these tv business cards that were sitting right there, and they didn't offer it to me.

00:18:51,420 --> 00:18:52,364
Kayla: Interesting.

00:18:52,452 --> 00:18:55,706
Chris: I took one nonetheless. So here we are.

00:18:55,788 --> 00:18:59,046
Kayla: So let's just do a quick debrief of what we just experienced.

00:18:59,198 --> 00:19:00,878
Chris: Delicious non meat.

00:19:00,934 --> 00:19:08,646
Kayla: Absolutely delicious. We pulled up. It was the loving hut that went to. The loving hut that went to is kind of in, like, a. Like a strip mall.

00:19:08,798 --> 00:19:09,110
Chris: Yeah.

00:19:09,150 --> 00:19:16,574
Kayla: On, like, a major street in. In the city of Orange. And were immediately seated. There were definitely people. There were other people in there?

00:19:16,662 --> 00:19:17,294
Chris: Not many, though.

00:19:17,342 --> 00:19:17,750
Kayla: Not many.

00:19:17,790 --> 00:19:18,454
Chris: But small.

00:19:18,502 --> 00:19:21,606
Kayla: We're also at a weird reading at like, 04:00. We walked in at like, 04:00.

00:19:21,638 --> 00:19:24,138
Chris: Oh, I suppose you're right. Think about that.

00:19:24,274 --> 00:19:30,714
Kayla: So the fact that there were my grandparents, the fact that there were, like, people coming in and out at 04:00, like that.

00:19:30,882 --> 00:19:31,750
Chris: Yeah.

00:19:32,250 --> 00:19:41,210
Kayla: Minimal decoration. There was, you know, they had images of the food that they served. They had, like, their big loving hut logo one wall, but on each.

00:19:41,250 --> 00:19:42,538
Chris: You put that on Instagram, too.

00:19:42,634 --> 00:20:14,040
Kayla: On each wall, there were photos of famous people that are vegan. I mean, I don't remember what they were. There was, like, Alicia Silverstone, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi, Gandhi, Lao Tzu, Princess Di. Yeah. Princess Diana, Moby. Some athletes that. I don't remember their names. Pythagoras. Just all. I think maybe Shania Twain was there. All different kinds of vegan celebrities. And then the only other thing of real note was there was a television.

00:20:14,460 --> 00:20:18,388
Chris: Yeah. Unfortunately, I was seated to where I was faced away from the television.

00:20:18,484 --> 00:20:19,666
Kayla: I was facing it.

00:20:19,788 --> 00:20:21,014
Chris: What did you witness?

00:20:21,182 --> 00:21:06,540
Kayla: So something that you should know about loving Hut is that in every single one of their locations, they broadcast the 24/7 television channel, Supreme Master Television, which is what the card is from. And there's a website,, comma. They have apps. You can watch it on YouTube. You can watch it in podcast form. It's on short wave radio. It's on, like. It's on stations literally all around the world. Like, when were sitting there, they were listing all of the new stations that they have. And it was literally, like, they had Mongolia and, like, hawaii and some place in New Zealand, like, literally everywhere. And I'm trying to remember exactly all the different things that we saw while were there.

00:21:07,640 --> 00:21:18,148
Kayla: There was a section where it was, like, quoting scripture from, like, ten different major world religions that all that they were interpreting were all in support of a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.

00:21:18,244 --> 00:21:19,148
Chris: They cover their bases.

00:21:19,204 --> 00:21:33,060
Kayla: There was. They did the weather all around the world. There was a traditional armenian orchestra. There was a traditional chinese medicine doctor. Justin, I have about a thousand questions.

00:21:33,100 --> 00:21:36,724
Chris: By the way, are we gonna be doing, like, another recording session back in our studio?

00:21:36,812 --> 00:21:41,256
Kayla: Absolutely be doing another recording session. This is just to talk about what we just did.

00:21:41,328 --> 00:21:51,184
Chris: I just want to make sure, because, like, if I. Yeah, because I have so many questions, like, maybe you'll answer them there. But I just didn't. I want to make sure that I wasn't just, like, not asking them. You know what I mean?

00:21:51,232 --> 00:21:51,536
Kayla: Right.

00:21:51,608 --> 00:21:55,832
Chris: Or asking at the wrong time. Anyway, please continue. Although, do you want me to re. Actually, yeah.

00:21:55,856 --> 00:21:58,160
Kayla: Read what the card says about the television station.

00:21:58,280 --> 00:22:28,530
Chris: So on the front it just says supremaster television, supreme We will, of course, show you a picture of this on Instagram as well. On the back of the card, it says, constructive programming for a peaceful world. Supremaster live stream 24/7 worldwide in over 22 languages. And then it says, follow us on our socials. And it has Facebook, Insta, and Twitter. Then it also has a QR code that I'm definitely going to scan.

00:22:28,570 --> 00:22:29,390
Kayla: Oh, absolutely.

00:22:29,710 --> 00:22:45,134
Chris: And then it has an email us peace at suprememaster And, well, excuse me, sorry, there's a contact us email. That's what that is. And there's something called a heart line email, which is heartline at supremaster

00:22:45,182 --> 00:22:46,446
Kayla: Where you have to figure out what.

00:22:46,518 --> 00:22:47,366
Chris: The fuck is a heart line.

00:22:47,398 --> 00:23:13,370
Kayla: We're gonna have to figure that out. Interesting. Oh, yeah. Something else. When were watching the tv, it was, I think it was mostly in English and it was subtitled in six other languages. And as were about to leave, there was like the channel that was, or the part of the show, the portion of the programming that was doing the weather was also doing news, and it was called noteworthy news. And the reason why I made a weird.

00:23:13,410 --> 00:23:14,930
Chris: Wait, hold up. Isn't that redundant?

00:23:15,010 --> 00:23:35,768
Kayla: Yes. The reason why I made a weird face when were eating was because, not to be judgmental, but the news anchors may have been robots. Like, actually may have. I'm not sure they were either robots or they were, like, being lit so heavily that they're just, all of their human features were washed out.

00:23:35,864 --> 00:23:36,520
Chris: Oh, God.

00:23:36,600 --> 00:23:41,464
Kayla: And they looked like robots. They were like, perfect haired, perfectly symmetrical faces. Perfectly.

00:23:41,552 --> 00:23:44,328
Chris: Are we gonna be able to find, like, videos or something to like.

00:23:44,504 --> 00:23:46,304
Kayla: It's on YouTube? Yes.

00:23:46,432 --> 00:23:47,220
Chris: Okay.

00:23:47,520 --> 00:23:48,602
Kayla: Absolutely. Absolutely. We will.

00:23:48,626 --> 00:23:50,418
Chris: So we'll put this on the culture. Just weird, social.

00:23:50,474 --> 00:24:09,218
Kayla: Oh, you will be able to see all of the tv. You're going to see all the pictures that we took of the menu, of the food that we ate, of the interior of the restaurant. And yeah, when we get back home, we are going to continue learning more about loving hut as a restaurant and about supreme Master Ching Hai herself.

00:24:09,274 --> 00:24:19,236
Chris: I have so many questions. You should. But I will say me as a Meatosaurus, I really enjoyed their food. It was really good.

00:24:19,268 --> 00:24:19,956
Kayla: It was delicious.

00:24:20,028 --> 00:24:28,060
Chris: They had really good fake beef in my mongolian beef. Their jackfruit salad was very good. And their fried items were also very good. It was very tasty.

00:24:28,100 --> 00:24:29,364
Kayla: I would absolutely eat here again.

00:24:29,412 --> 00:24:31,836
Chris: Oh, yeah. And the waiter was super friendly.

00:24:31,908 --> 00:24:33,092
Kayla: Oh, they were so nice.

00:24:33,196 --> 00:24:33,636
Chris: Yeah.

00:24:33,708 --> 00:24:51,624
Kayla: And I don't know if we caught this part inside the restaurant, but the whole time were there, you heard the chopping of fresh vegetables in the kitchen. Like, it was. The food was extremely fresh. Like, you could tell that everything. Like, we got fried wontons and fried egg rolls, and they were like. They had just been made. You could.

00:24:51,672 --> 00:24:56,152
Chris: Yeah. And you could. They had the babies for the baby blood that they were just extracting the blood from.

00:24:56,336 --> 00:24:57,352
Kayla: Freshly harvested.

00:24:57,416 --> 00:24:58,024
Chris: Delicious.

00:24:58,112 --> 00:24:59,660
Kayla: I think that's called slander.

00:25:01,080 --> 00:25:11,380
Chris: Well, we can cut that part. It's not slander if we explain that is a joke. A joke. False. They did not have any baby blood that we are aware of.

00:25:12,120 --> 00:25:15,432
Kayla: Anything else you want to say about our experience at loving Hut today?

00:25:15,536 --> 00:25:18,608
Chris: No. Overall, I had a good meal there.

00:25:18,664 --> 00:25:21,320
Kayla: Yeah. I am excited for my leftovers later.

00:25:21,400 --> 00:25:21,752
Chris: Yeah.

00:25:21,816 --> 00:25:25,760
Kayla: I'm also excited to get home and keep telling you about this place.

00:25:25,840 --> 00:25:28,304
Chris: Oh, God. I am also excited.

00:25:28,392 --> 00:25:47,814
Kayla: Strap it. So how was your meal? So now that we are back home in our studio.

00:25:47,902 --> 00:26:04,816
Chris: Okay, well, so that's what I was gonna say, is now everybody knows that our studio is our home. And now the whole illusion is shattered. The whole. We have a big professional recording studio on Sony's campus. Now they know that we're just at home.

00:26:04,888 --> 00:26:08,420
Kayla: Do you think people record podcasts on the Sony lot?

00:26:08,960 --> 00:26:11,072
Chris: The big ones do, Kayla.

00:26:11,176 --> 00:26:12,100
Kayla: They don't.

00:26:12,720 --> 00:26:21,800
Chris: Well, Roman Mars, who, as you know from our previous episode, is a hero of mine records in beautiful downtown Oakland, California.

00:26:21,880 --> 00:26:34,278
Kayla: Do you know where my favorite murder recorded up until very recently? One of their apartments. Up until very recently. And they got, like, a studio up until very recently, they were recording in just one of their apartments.

00:26:34,384 --> 00:26:39,114
Chris: Yeah, I know this, but I'm trying to pull the wool over the eyes of our audience.

00:26:39,202 --> 00:26:51,034
Kayla: Too late. We record in our house. So now that we have fully digested, are you ready to continue our conversation about loving hut?

00:26:51,122 --> 00:26:59,858
Chris: Yeah. And so far, the digestion's going well. I'll definitely report back on Twitter once I've gotten to the end of the digestion.

00:26:59,914 --> 00:27:00,350
Kayla: Got it.

00:27:00,410 --> 00:27:01,678
Chris: And I'll let you guys know.

00:27:01,814 --> 00:27:12,222
Kayla: I'm sure everyone is excited about that. So, as I mentioned back at lovinghut, we need to talk about Supreme Master Shanghai.

00:27:12,366 --> 00:27:13,290
Chris: Huh.

00:27:13,670 --> 00:27:37,100
Kayla: Before we jump into her and her life, I'll quote some of my research. A few places helped me out. There's a great vice article about loving hut by Justin Kaffir. Wikipedia, obviously, was a great jumping off point. Qinghai's own website, and there were various news outlets and subreddits and even a my recipes article. Cause apparently my recipes does journalism.

00:27:38,640 --> 00:27:39,120
Chris: What?

00:27:39,200 --> 00:27:39,900
Kayla: Yep.

00:27:41,000 --> 00:27:43,440
Chris: Okay. I had no idea.

00:27:43,520 --> 00:28:07,710
Kayla: My recipes, cult or just weird? Let's go. Supreme Master Ching Hai is an author, entrepreneur, and teacher of the Quan Yin method of meditation. She has several business ventures, primarily a fashion company and the loving hut restaurant chain. Her business ventures are collectively known as Supreme Master Qinghai International Association. Supreme Master Qinghai.

00:28:09,690 --> 00:28:11,274
Chris: I'm already boiling with questions.

00:28:11,362 --> 00:28:49,496
Kayla: Supreme Master Qinghai was born with the name Hu Dang Trin in 1950 in a small village near Hanoi, Vietnam. Her parents were naturopaths, and while she was raised Roman Catholic, she was also taught about Buddhism from her grandmother. She would go to church in the morning and then buddhist temple in the afternoon. And at the same time, she was also very interested in all kinds of philosophy at a very early age. And as a kid, she was reading Lao Tzu and Chang Tzu like she was really in it. And according to her website, her father asked her if she understood these works, and she answered him, if I didn't understand, I wouldn't have any interest in doing this.

00:28:49,658 --> 00:28:51,044
Chris: Ooh, sassy.

00:28:51,132 --> 00:29:17,738
Kayla: She was very concerned about the well being and suffering of other people and animals. Also, from very early on, when there was a shortage of doctors and nurses in her village, she just decided, okay, I'll volunteer at the hospital. And she helped bathe patients. She emptied bedpans, she ran errands. And according to her, this is when she began to get some nicknames. The two nicknames she was given at this time were living Buddha and laughing saint. And these were given to her by.

00:29:17,754 --> 00:29:18,986
Chris: Oh, no. I've heard of hugging saint.

00:29:19,058 --> 00:29:21,042
Kayla: Yeah, the hugging saint is a different woman.

00:29:21,106 --> 00:29:24,042
Chris: Okay, I thought I heard of it, but never mind. I know there's a laughing saint.

00:29:24,146 --> 00:29:24,954
Kayla: The hugging saint.

00:29:25,002 --> 00:29:25,922
Chris: Different thing.

00:29:26,106 --> 00:29:41,192
Kayla: She was always known to love animals, and as a kid, was often rehabilitating small animals, like squirrels and whatever. And she would also cry at the slaughtering of animals, and therefore has been a vegetarian her entire life, eventually switching over to strict vegans. Veganism?

00:29:41,336 --> 00:29:44,536
Chris: Mm. She probably read Charlotte's web as a kid.

00:29:44,728 --> 00:29:46,136
Kayla: Why do we do that to kids?

00:29:46,288 --> 00:29:52,304
Chris: I don't know why. It's like all children's literature seems to be trying to get people to be vegan.

00:29:52,392 --> 00:29:52,848
Kayla: Yeah.

00:29:52,944 --> 00:29:57,304
Chris: All it is just anthropomorphizing things that we eventually eat.

00:29:57,352 --> 00:30:02,664
Kayla: Well, but literally, Charlotte's web is about, like, Wilburn trying to trick the people into not eating him.

00:30:02,712 --> 00:30:03,448
Chris: I know.

00:30:03,624 --> 00:30:06,972
Kayla: It's not just like, oh, these are some pigs hanging out. Like, it's literally will be your right.

00:30:06,996 --> 00:30:07,732
Chris: It's about that.

00:30:07,796 --> 00:30:11,052
Kayla: If you don't figure out how to be something more than food.

00:30:11,196 --> 00:30:12,068
Chris: Some pig.

00:30:12,164 --> 00:30:24,188
Kayla: Some pig. According to Supreme Master Qinghai's website, an astrologer told her family when she was a child that she was, quote, an unusual, very intelligent being with superior character and morals.

00:30:24,364 --> 00:30:25,588
Chris: How old was she?

00:30:25,684 --> 00:30:29,080
Kayla: I'm just gonna assume somewhere between seven and twelve.

00:30:29,500 --> 00:30:35,810
Chris: Damn. I like the shot. Chutzpah. How do I. Chutzpah? I like the chutzpah on that kid.

00:30:35,930 --> 00:30:40,522
Kayla: It was predicted that she would be a renunciate and become enlightened, if not married.

00:30:40,626 --> 00:30:41,602
Chris: What's a renunciate?

00:30:41,666 --> 00:30:51,642
Kayla: But if married, she would have a happy relationship and an admirable husband. A renunciate is basically like an ascetic. It's like somebody who's like, I renunciate. I renounce.

00:30:51,746 --> 00:30:52,522
Chris: I renunciate.

00:30:52,586 --> 00:30:59,232
Kayla: No, I renunciate. I renounce the trappings of modern society, philosophy and meditate.

00:30:59,296 --> 00:31:01,992
Chris: Got it. Like Saint Francis or Avatar Aang.

00:31:02,056 --> 00:31:29,250
Kayla: Yes, exactly. Apparently, this prediction was repeated to her over and over by various spiritualists throughout her life. Later on, when she was a young adult, late teen, I don't know, somewhere around there. Qinghai left home to become a nun, and her mother went to a temple to pray for a catholic nun. I don't know, because a lot of this information is coming straight from the horse's mouth, and it just says, none. And nowhere else could I find, like.

00:31:29,370 --> 00:31:47,090
Chris: Oh, you tried to find that? Didn't say, oh, wow, that's none. Okay. I mean, the reason I ask is just because, like, remember when were in the restaurant and we saw that there was, you know, multiple different religions being cited and quoted? I'm totally getting that from what you're saying, where she was like, laozoo.

00:31:47,210 --> 00:31:47,538
Kayla: Yeah.

00:31:47,594 --> 00:31:49,178
Chris: And then she was catholic, so we'll.

00:31:49,194 --> 00:32:19,020
Kayla: Talk about it more. But that's her thing. Like, her thing is, what she's preaching is not a religion. It's a method, it's a philosophy, it's a lifestyle thing. And so she draws from a lot of different spiritualities. So she could have been a catholic nun. She could. Nun could be a bad translation for monk of some kind. I don't quite know. And also, it doesn't really matter because she was just kind of. She kind of believes that, like, all the world religions are basically the same thing, just with different packaging.

00:32:19,140 --> 00:32:19,732
Chris: Right.

00:32:19,876 --> 00:32:32,860
Kayla: So she left home to become a nun. It was the first time for her leaving home. Her mother was nervous, went to a temple to pray for her. And she was told by the monks there that, quote, the master, she was what?

00:32:32,900 --> 00:32:33,988
Chris: Again? Seven, eight?

00:32:34,044 --> 00:32:43,116
Kayla: I mean, she was. She was going by a different name, but this is the name that she goes by now. She wasn't called the master. She was going by Hugh Dengtrana. Still going by her name at this point.

00:32:43,268 --> 00:32:43,748
Chris: Okay.

00:32:43,804 --> 00:32:52,380
Kayla: But all of her materials currently refer to her in every iteration as the master. So that's what we're going with.

00:32:52,420 --> 00:32:55,196
Chris: Got it. So it's like a retroactive title bestowed? Yes.

00:32:55,268 --> 00:33:16,050
Kayla: Okay, so her mother was told that your kid is a very rare and noble child, one of a billion. She has come to this world on the mission of Quan yin to save sentient beings from misery. Now, I just want you to remember, like, how much pressure you felt when you were a kid to get good grades. Now imagine if you had to save sentient beings from misery.

00:33:18,350 --> 00:33:22,750
Chris: So, I mean, I feel like that's what stand up comedians are pressured to do.

00:33:22,870 --> 00:33:27,766
Kayla: Yeah, yeah. But I also could have gone either way. She could have either become a cult leader or she could have.

00:33:27,798 --> 00:33:33,352
Chris: Right? One of the two. This also sounds a lot like Teal's origin story.

00:33:33,486 --> 00:33:35,644
Kayla: Well, she's not getting sewn into corpses yet.

00:33:35,812 --> 00:33:41,668
Chris: A lot like Teal's actual real life origin story where she started off as, like, I'm different and special.

00:33:41,764 --> 00:33:43,156
Kayla: How do you know that's real?

00:33:43,308 --> 00:33:44,372
Chris: How do I know that what's real?

00:33:44,436 --> 00:33:46,620
Kayla: That that was actually her experience as a kid?

00:33:46,740 --> 00:33:52,012
Chris: I don't. I don't. But I'm more willing to believe that she felt like she was a special child.

00:33:52,076 --> 00:33:52,468
Kayla: Right.

00:33:52,564 --> 00:33:55,740
Chris: And was told that than I am, that she was sewn into corpses.

00:33:55,780 --> 00:34:24,565
Kayla: She wasn't sewn into corpses. No one has ever done that or been that. Okay, so she left, gave a nun. She's gonna become saving sentient beings from misery? We don't really know what happened to the nun thing. She beat a nun for a little while, but apparently fairly soon after she left to be a nun, she started working in Germany as a translator for the Red Cross, generally in service of refugees. I don't wanna say. I don't wanna make it sound like I didn't do my research. I mean, like, the. The information here is murky.

00:34:24,678 --> 00:34:28,239
Chris: So it's like she's in Vietnam and. Oh, she pops up in Germany.

00:34:28,279 --> 00:34:31,167
Kayla: Yeah. Okay, so she's working for the Red Cross.

00:34:31,303 --> 00:34:31,783
Chris: Okay.

00:34:31,871 --> 00:35:16,610
Kayla: Her position at the Red Cross put her in direct contact with the world's turmoil and suffering, the result of wars and natural disasters, mostly from the website. Quote, the supreme master Shanghai suffered a great deal. As she sought to alleviate the pain, she saw and realized how impossible it was for one person to stop the suffering of humanity. This drove her more strongly toward enlightenment as she realized that only this could help alleviate mankind's pain. This experience kind of had her doubling down on her spirituality. She meditated harder. She sought teachers out. She read every kind of scripture she could get her hands on, like from the Bible to the Quran to the shit we've never even heard of. And even after all this, she felt stagnated.

00:35:16,650 --> 00:35:26,940
Kayla: She felt like she wasn't actually getting closer to that state of enlightenment that she wanted and that she kind of had been told that she was gonna get to. So the pressure is on to get there.

00:35:27,480 --> 00:35:32,472
Chris: And let me guess, the only way to get there is to cook delicious fake beef.

00:35:32,576 --> 00:35:33,432
Kayla: We'll get there.

00:35:33,536 --> 00:35:34,580
Chris: Oh, my God.

00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:55,666
Kayla: When she was 19, she married a german scientist who supported her beliefs. He also became a vegetarian. He went with her on pilgrimages, just all that kind of stuff. But in two years, the marriage split up so that she could focus on her spirituality. And according to supreme master Ching hai, the german scientists supported her in this as well as they both.

00:35:55,698 --> 00:35:57,274
Chris: Does he have a name? Is it german scientist?

00:35:57,322 --> 00:36:10,362
Kayla: German scientist. Okay, german scientist. They both knew that this divorce was a necessary step in her path towards enlightenment. Very amicable breakup, it sounds like.

00:36:10,506 --> 00:36:11,156
Chris: Cool.

00:36:11,298 --> 00:36:25,136
Kayla: Then she began following another nameless person. She began following a german buddhist monk in the late seventies, but his monastery did not allow women to join. So she was like, fuck that. Which, good for you, girl. She then moved.

00:36:25,168 --> 00:36:27,728
Chris: Now, she also has something in common with Mary Kay.

00:36:27,864 --> 00:36:55,662
Kayla: Oh, shit. It's all related. She then moved to India with the intention of studying different religions. So again, she studied Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, again, many others. And this is where she developed the belief that all religions and spiritualities are basically the same, just practiced differently based on the differences of the people who follow that religion. But again, stands to reason she still did not feel enlightened.

00:36:55,806 --> 00:36:56,830
Chris: Damn, girl.

00:36:56,950 --> 00:36:58,598
Kayla: I know. She's doing so much work, too.

00:36:58,774 --> 00:37:05,278
Chris: Yeah, I can't tell if she's, like, just being spoiled, like Ariel. I want more.

00:37:05,374 --> 00:37:07,560
Kayla: Orlando, don't you dare call Ariel spoiled.

00:37:07,600 --> 00:37:08,768
Chris: She was a tad spoiled.

00:37:08,824 --> 00:37:15,184
Kayla: She was not spoiled. All of that she had in her grotto, she got herself. No one gave that to her.

00:37:15,272 --> 00:37:17,312
Chris: Yeah, but she always wanted more. More.

00:37:17,376 --> 00:37:19,120
Kayla: More spoiled is when somebody else.

00:37:19,160 --> 00:37:21,860
Chris: Why couldn't she just be under the sea and be happy?

00:37:22,640 --> 00:37:24,464
Kayla: I'm literally gonna kick your face.

00:37:24,592 --> 00:37:26,328
Chris: There was a whole song about it.

00:37:26,504 --> 00:37:29,776
Kayla: So people should just be content with what they have and not strive for anything.

00:37:29,808 --> 00:37:30,552
Chris: Yeah, maybe.

00:37:30,696 --> 00:37:36,306
Kayla: Maybe you're not allowed to see the live action remake. I'm not taking you. I'm going by myself.

00:37:36,458 --> 00:37:39,050
Chris: Well, if it's anything like the Lion King, maybe I don't want to.

00:37:39,090 --> 00:37:41,018
Kayla: You haven't seen the Lion King, so how dare you slander it.

00:37:41,114 --> 00:37:48,250
Chris: Okay, fine. But I do want to see it. You told me that it was, like, all weird and uncanny valves.

00:37:48,290 --> 00:37:51,530
Kayla: I didn't see it, either. I just read reviews and took them as the gospel truth.

00:37:51,570 --> 00:37:52,690
Chris: Well, my parents said that it was good.

00:37:52,730 --> 00:37:54,338
Kayla: Well, I believe them.

00:37:54,514 --> 00:37:56,530
Chris: Are we gonna go back to talking about this cult?

00:37:56,690 --> 00:38:11,364
Kayla: Yeah, I was trying. So she didn't feel enlightened. I wanted to say that. I don't. We were kind of making some jokes. We're not shitting on anyone's, like, spiritual journey. Like, this is hard work, and, like, it's also a very valid quest.

00:38:11,492 --> 00:38:29,612
Chris: Yeah. And I actually had a second thing that I wanted to say after spoiled. That was the joke part, so I don't want to sound like a dick. My second thing was. Or maybe this was a very difficult journey. And then I. You know, I feel for her. In that case. That's tough to get there.

00:38:29,756 --> 00:38:35,692
Kayla: Well, she got there, clearly. Cause we ate at her restaurant. Yeah, but we'll keep talking about the journey. It doesn't end right.

00:38:35,716 --> 00:38:38,684
Chris: If the garlic sauce is any indication, she definitely got there.

00:38:38,732 --> 00:39:23,142
Kayla: Right. So a mythos around Supreme Master Qinghai kind of started developing after this move to India, because there's this story that goes, one day, she went to a bookshop near the Ganges river with the intention of buying a copy of the Bhagavad Gita, which is the quintessential hindu text. The bookshop owner told her that they did not have a copy, but she insisted that they at least look. The bookshop owner scoured the shop as Qinghai insisted they keep looking and keep looking. And eventually, they found a copy hidden away in a corner in a sealed box. By 1982, this story had begun to circulate, leading to rumors that Qinghai had a third eye and extrasensory powers.

00:39:23,206 --> 00:39:25,806
Chris: This is way too cool to have actually happened. I'm sorry.

00:39:25,918 --> 00:39:27,170
Kayla: Can you imagine?

00:39:27,710 --> 00:39:36,214
Chris: That's, like, isn't. I mean, that's, like, the plot of shit. What's the Nic cage movie. It's like. It's like a national treasure.

00:39:36,342 --> 00:39:37,046
Kayla: Keep looking.

00:39:37,158 --> 00:39:38,990
Chris: Or, like tomb raider or something.

00:39:39,150 --> 00:40:05,390
Kayla: Well, she has extra sensory powers now. At this time, she wanted to find the perfect method, quote, unquote, to reach enlightenment in a single lifetime. So she was like, okay, I've studied all this shit, and, like, apparently, it seems like if you just study, study, you'll get there eventually. But she's like, I want to find that one method that can get you there in a single lifetime so you don't have to keep striving for enlightenment after every, like, reincarnation. She's like, I want to get it. I want to get this efficient.

00:40:06,450 --> 00:40:12,330
Chris: Efficient. I. Like. I'm a little skeptical of seeking perfection, but I appreciate efficiency.

00:40:12,410 --> 00:40:39,034
Kayla: Well, during her studies, she learned of a method that, to her, is the perfect method called Quan Yin. We've mentioned it before. According to her website, none of the teachers that she had at the time knew of this method. So, again, she spent some more time traveling and searching, and eventually, she, quote, found a himalayan master who initiated her into the Quan Yin method and gave her the divine transmission that she had sought for so many years. End quote.

00:40:39,122 --> 00:40:43,822
Chris: You sure she didn't just, like, watch a kung fu movie and then write down what she saw and say that happened to her?

00:40:43,906 --> 00:40:49,278
Kayla: Yeah, this is. This is basically like a Batman origin story. Or, like.

00:40:49,334 --> 00:40:51,542
Chris: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:40:51,646 --> 00:40:52,598
Kayla: Batman did this.

00:40:52,694 --> 00:40:53,518
Chris: Yeah. Or, like, once.

00:40:53,574 --> 00:41:01,550
Kayla: Not, again, not to, like, downplay the actual importance and, like, work that goes into this kind of, like, spiritual growth.

00:41:01,710 --> 00:41:06,590
Chris: No, definitely not. And I'm sure she definitely did a lot of work. It's just some of this stuff is like.

00:41:06,630 --> 00:41:07,166
Kayla: It's really. Whoa.

00:41:07,198 --> 00:41:08,198
Chris: You trained on a mountain?

00:41:08,254 --> 00:41:11,804
Kayla: Yeah. With a himalayan master who gave you a divine transmission.

00:41:11,892 --> 00:41:13,236
Chris: Right, right.

00:41:13,388 --> 00:41:46,086
Kayla: Well, anyway, after this happened, she reached full enlightenment, and she stayed in, as you would, and she then stayed in the Himalayas for a while, practicing this Quan yin method. Now, I googled Quan Yin quite a few times, and it's hard to find information about this method without being directed back to one of Supreme Master Qinghai's own websites. From what I could find, the Quan Yin method relates to the bodhisattva known as in. Known in China as Guanyin. A bodhisattva. Do you know Bodhisattva?

00:41:46,118 --> 00:41:55,302
Chris: I was just gonna ask you to explain. I mean, well, I don't like a dick if. I know, I know, but you tell our listeners. Yeah.

00:41:55,406 --> 00:41:57,542
Kayla: What is it? Tell me. I'm gonna test you.

00:41:57,726 --> 00:41:59,910
Chris: Tell me what is it testing me? Live on the air?

00:41:59,990 --> 00:42:01,238
Kayla: I'll cut this out. What is it?

00:42:01,294 --> 00:42:11,610
Chris: It's. It's a. A reincarnation of Buddha that sort of has their own, like, it's like a. It's like a catholic saint. They have their own sort of abilities and stuff will suck my balls.

00:42:11,690 --> 00:42:40,320
Kayla: Well, according the definition that I found, a bodhisattva is any person on the path to buddhahood that has not yet attained it. So it's like. So, yes, it is similar to. I'm thinking of something else, but I don't think it's a reincarnation of Buddha. I think it's a person on the way to becoming a Buddha who's just nothing. 100% there yet. Oh, so that's who Guanyin is. Let me read you the Wikipedia passage about Guanyin. I just totally copy and paste it here.

00:42:40,700 --> 00:42:42,188
Chris: That's what we do with Wikipedia.

00:42:42,284 --> 00:42:59,348
Kayla: Guanyin is the most commonly used translation of the bodhisattva known as avalokitesvara. In english usage, guanyin is the buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion and venerated chiefly by followers of mahayana buddhist schools as practiced in the sinisphere. Getting technical?

00:42:59,444 --> 00:43:01,588
Chris: Yeah, I'm barely following this.

00:43:01,604 --> 00:43:21,636
Kayla: I'll go slow. From the buddhist perspective, the term guanyin encompasses the entire spectrum of mahayana buddhist practices related to avalokitesvara, or guanyin, ranging from the Lotus sutra and extending towards Shingon, as well as tibetan vajrayana. These are just all various belief schools in Buddhism.

00:43:21,708 --> 00:43:22,764
Chris: Are you speaking in tongues?

00:43:22,812 --> 00:43:39,440
Kayla: This is something that I learned during my research that, like, there are so many different belief schools in, like, buddhist faith and buddhist philosophy. There's like a hundred different ways to practice this right technique, this faith, this method, whatever you want to call it.

00:43:39,980 --> 00:43:46,690
Chris: Yeah, it's almost like a, it's like when chef John talks about, this is a technique, not a recipe. Boom. It's just like that.

00:43:47,110 --> 00:43:48,398
Kayla: That's a deep cut.

00:43:48,534 --> 00:43:53,806
Chris: Yeah, it's good, right? That said, I didn't get anything that you just said. I didn't understand any of that.

00:43:53,838 --> 00:44:11,410
Kayla: So basically, Guanyin, she's a buddhist bodhisattva, okay? She's associated with compassion, up and coming Buddha, she's associated with compassion, and she is worshipped or revered by followers of multiple different schools of buddhist thoughts.

00:44:11,770 --> 00:44:14,110
Chris: Okay. All right, I dig that.

00:44:14,410 --> 00:44:44,362
Kayla: The worship of Guanyin, or the belief in Guanyin, also includes localized practices from various other regions. These localizations are found throughout the buddhist world. Guanyin also refers to the bodhisattva as adopted by other eastern religions, such as Taoism, where she is revered as an immortal, as well as chinese folk religions, japanese Shinto, korean blending of Guanyin worship with native beliefs. And in Vietnam, the adoption of Guanyin by Cao deism, which is just another faith.

00:44:44,506 --> 00:44:47,482
Chris: So this Guan, how do I pronounce it again? I'm sorry?

00:44:47,506 --> 00:44:48,026
Kayla: Guanyin.

00:44:48,098 --> 00:44:50,786
Chris: Guanyin. So this Guan yin is. She's big.

00:44:50,858 --> 00:44:52,154
Kayla: She's big. She's everywhere.

00:44:52,242 --> 00:44:52,994
Chris: Okay.

00:44:53,162 --> 00:45:03,274
Kayla: In western languages, she was first given the name of, quote, goddess of mercy, or the mercy goddess by jesuit missionaries in China. Okay, the chinese name Guanyin is.

00:45:03,322 --> 00:45:05,966
Chris: Makes sense. Cause you said compassion, right? Okay.

00:45:06,158 --> 00:45:15,102
Kayla: The chinese name Guanyin is short for Guan Xi Yin, which means the one who perceives the sounds of the world, which is the coolest thing I've ever heard in my life.

00:45:15,166 --> 00:45:16,590
Chris: That's such an awesome name.

00:45:16,630 --> 00:45:17,958
Kayla: And also the one who perceives the.

00:45:17,974 --> 00:45:21,654
Chris: Sounds of the world and also has nothing to do with compassion and mercy.

00:45:21,702 --> 00:45:22,550
Kayla: It doesn't.

00:45:22,710 --> 00:45:23,782
Chris: Oh, I guess if you can perceive.

00:45:23,806 --> 00:45:27,462
Kayla: That'S an empathetic person, you're tuned in. Listen to everyone. Yeah.

00:45:27,526 --> 00:45:30,010
Chris: You're like. You have the Superman problem, right?

00:45:30,800 --> 00:45:35,752
Kayla: What's the Superman problem? I said, right? I don't know what that is. Superman have real good hearing. Please tell me. Superman.

00:45:35,816 --> 00:45:40,352
Chris: Yeah, yeah. Superman has super hearing. He can hear anything, anywhere, respond to crimes.

00:45:40,416 --> 00:45:43,080
Kayla: No, but then sometimes it's been explored.

00:45:43,120 --> 00:45:50,224
Chris: In the comic that it's like crushingly depressing because hears everything and can't fix everything.

00:45:50,272 --> 00:45:58,148
Kayla: Okay. I have a little bit more respect for everyone who wants to, like, depict Superman as, like, a Christ figure. Now, I had no idea that was a thing.

00:45:58,264 --> 00:46:02,900
Chris: Yeah, dog, like Superman's actually, I used to be, like, Superman's lame character.

00:46:02,940 --> 00:46:03,940
Kayla: No, Superman's cool.

00:46:04,020 --> 00:46:08,080
Chris: But there's some very interesting Superman literature out there.

00:46:08,780 --> 00:46:13,956
Kayla: Well, he is not the one who perceives the sounds of the world. That is Guan Xian or Guanyin.

00:46:14,068 --> 00:46:21,996
Chris: Yeah, I hate to do this, but. Because you're probably just driving towards this anyway, but what does she have to do with Supreme Master Ching?

00:46:22,068 --> 00:46:23,028
Kayla: Don't ask that question yet.

00:46:23,084 --> 00:46:24,362
Chris: Okay. All right.

00:46:24,556 --> 00:46:38,494
Kayla: Because she's associated with compassion, she's also been associated heavily with vegetarianism. Buddhist cuisine is generally decorated with her image, and she appears in most buddhist vegetarian pamphlets and magazines in East Asia.

00:46:38,662 --> 00:46:39,158
Chris: What?

00:46:39,254 --> 00:47:01,354
Kayla: Yeah. So basically, Quan Yin as a method, is an esoteric buddhist practice relating to the ideals of the bodhisattva guanyin. Oh, Mandy. This goddess, this bodhisattva, inspires or is the source of this method that Supreme Master Qinghai says this is the perfect way to enlightenment within a single lifetime.

00:47:01,402 --> 00:47:03,690
Chris: So she looked at all the things and was like, it's this one.

00:47:03,730 --> 00:47:07,610
Kayla: It's this one that I've learned from the divine master in the himalayas.

00:47:07,690 --> 00:47:09,470
Chris: Well, I'll be damned.

00:47:10,010 --> 00:47:45,460
Kayla: After Supreme Master Qinghai reached enlightenment, the mythos around her only grew again. Her sight tells a story about how she now eventually traveled to Taiwan. And one night, when she was meditating in a small temple, she was approached by a group of people who said, quan Yin, bodhisattva, the goddess of mercy, replied to our prayers and told us about you, saying that you were the great master and we should pray to you for the method to reach liberation. She tried to send them away because she was like, no, no. I'm just a girl. I'm just doing my thing. I'm not a leader. Don't worship me. She tried to send them away. The people wouldn't leave.

00:47:45,540 --> 00:47:55,880
Kayla: And eventually, she agreed to initiate these people into the Quan yin method after they agreed to several months of practice with her and to switch to a vegetarian diet.

00:47:56,180 --> 00:48:06,132
Chris: Okay, all right, switch to a vegetarian diet. That sounds like a little bit of maybe life consumed and or ritual maybe.

00:48:06,276 --> 00:48:26,750
Kayla: It's definitely associated with this bodhisattva. It's also associated with supreme master herself. We can discuss it later, but definitely keep it in your mind. Supreme Master Qinghai's website also calls her shy and says that she initially did not look for people to teach. And much like those people in the temple, she tried to avoid people who wanted her initiation.

00:48:26,870 --> 00:48:27,334
Chris: Interesting.

00:48:27,382 --> 00:48:37,692
Kayla: This happened over and over. People would seek her out, she'd send them away. They'd seek her out, she'd send them away. Eventually, she realized she couldn't keep running from this. And becoming a teacher of this method was her destiny.

00:48:37,846 --> 00:48:41,056
Chris: Yeah, I mean, but we know that's the way to attract people, is.

00:48:41,088 --> 00:48:42,312
Kayla: To play hard and be like, no.

00:48:42,376 --> 00:48:46,640
Chris: No, no, please. My enlightenment is only for me.

00:48:46,720 --> 00:48:48,776
Kayla: Making yourself scarce makes you very attractive.

00:48:48,808 --> 00:48:51,376
Chris: Yes. Yeah. That's why I've never been attractive.

00:48:51,448 --> 00:49:37,616
Kayla: Yeah. You do not make yourself scarce. I wish you would. She knew she needed to spread her message and began initiating more and more students into the Quan Yin method. Apparently, one of her largest followings still is in Taiwan, but she's also taught across the world, throughout Asia, the United States, Latin America, and Europe. Her website states, quote, although no formal organization exists to spread her teachings. Grateful friends and disciples are to be found all over the world, ready and willing to help others learn from their beloved master. Now, if you'll recall, we set up top, did we say this up top? Maybe I'll cut this out. We said up top that all of her businesses were like kind of conglomed under one roof.

00:49:37,648 --> 00:49:43,072
Chris: We're definitely not cutting this. Yeah, you said that there's like a supreme master.

00:49:43,136 --> 00:49:44,664
Kayla: Shanghai International association.

00:49:44,752 --> 00:49:45,280
Chris: Yeah, yeah.

00:49:45,320 --> 00:49:56,306
Kayla: So to me, that seems like a pretty formal organization, existing to spread your teachings. But I guess that doesn't match their definition of formal organization. Existing spread of.

00:49:56,328 --> 00:50:00,782
Chris: Once you have a conglomerate corporation, once.

00:50:00,806 --> 00:50:03,846
Kayla: You LLC, you're like, that's not even LLC.

00:50:03,878 --> 00:50:13,782
Chris: That's an LLC with subsidiaries. Right, right. That's some work. There's somebody whose job is just to make sure that's all running smoothly.

00:50:13,846 --> 00:50:22,878
Kayla: So that's according to the website, call a little bit of shenanigans on it. Now, you might be wondering exactly what are her teachings?

00:50:23,054 --> 00:50:30,278
Chris: I was, I was. Well, aren't her teachings just, she says, hey, follow this lady. Follow Guanyin.

00:50:30,414 --> 00:50:32,850
Kayla: Well, there's a specific method.

00:50:33,750 --> 00:50:35,630
Chris: Okay, so there's like her flavor of it.

00:50:35,670 --> 00:50:36,222
Kayla: Yeah.

00:50:36,366 --> 00:50:38,494
Chris: And it's a very vegetarian flavor, I might add.

00:50:38,542 --> 00:50:39,326
Kayla: Oh, my God.

00:50:39,438 --> 00:50:40,158
Chris: Shut up.

00:50:40,254 --> 00:51:06,780
Kayla: Jesus Christ. So it's a little difficult to kind of parse out what exactly the specific method is. I think partly, bye. It's just a lot of weird stuff. And sometimes it's difficult to communicate and also partly by like, intentional obfuscation because you need to be initiated. You specifically need to be initiated into this method. You can't just like, I'm Guanyin now, like, you have to be initiated into this practice.

00:51:07,480 --> 00:51:08,800
Chris: So it's closed door.

00:51:08,920 --> 00:51:29,402
Kayla: But we do know that vegan food, she's into vegan food and she preaches vegan food and that there's some compassion going on. Another tangible is that she and her followers meditate two and a half hours a day. And on some days, I think specifically Sundays, that meditation session can stretch into the five hour mark. Whoo.

00:51:29,546 --> 00:51:29,978
Chris: That's a lot.

00:51:29,994 --> 00:51:39,546
Kayla: Now, we will get into some more specifics later because I did some more digging. We got some more, but we'll table it for now and we'll talk about it later.

00:51:39,698 --> 00:51:40,490
Chris: We'll get to that.

00:51:40,530 --> 00:51:57,562
Kayla: We'll get to that. She is said to go where there is suffering in order to alleviate it, be it spiritual suffering, physical material. Again, according to her website, she has helped with homelessness in the US SoCal fire victims Midwest, us flood victims, disadvantaged elderly in Brazil.

00:51:57,706 --> 00:51:59,314
Chris: That's more than most Americans do.

00:51:59,402 --> 00:52:20,528
Kayla: People displaced by volcanic eruptions in the Philippines. Outlook, refugees. And the list goes on and on and on. I couldn't really find much to corroborate this, as, again, most of the stuff just kind of led back to her own websites. However, we can confirm that she has received a number of global. Different global awards.

00:52:20,624 --> 00:52:21,112
Chris: Oh, really?

00:52:21,176 --> 00:52:21,720
Kayla: Yes.

00:52:21,840 --> 00:52:23,856
Chris: Okay, well, that seems corroborating.

00:52:24,048 --> 00:52:28,336
Kayla: I mean, it's not corroborating of these specific claims, but she has gotten some awards.

00:52:28,368 --> 00:52:30,416
Chris: Yeah, it suggests that there's some veracity to them.

00:52:30,448 --> 00:52:58,220
Kayla: Right. So, according to her website, quote, although she has not sought acknowledgement of any kind, the Supreme Master Qinghai has been recognized and honored for her humanitarian work by government officials throughout the world. For example, October 25, 1993, was proclaimed the supreme Master Qinghai Day by the mayor of Honolulu, Hawaii. And February 22, 1994, was likewise proclaimed by the governors of the states of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri and Minnesota.

00:52:58,560 --> 00:53:02,810
Chris: They had supreme Master Ching high days in the midwest.

00:53:02,890 --> 00:53:05,914
Kayla: Yep. Because she helped the flood victims.

00:53:06,082 --> 00:53:07,770
Chris: Oh, oh, okay, okay.

00:53:07,850 --> 00:53:27,730
Kayla: She also received the World Peace Award in Honolulu and the World Spiritual Leadership Award at a ceremony in Chicago on February 22, 1994. Congratulatory messages were sent to the Chicago ceremony by many government officials worldwide, including Presidents Clinton, Bush and Reagan.

00:53:28,270 --> 00:53:30,326
Chris: Damn, she's big time.

00:53:30,518 --> 00:53:39,702
Kayla: Other awards I could find. 1993, Frank Fosse, mayor of Honolulu, again presented her with honorary citizenship. She was presented.

00:53:39,726 --> 00:53:41,250
Chris: How come I've never heard of this person?

00:53:43,110 --> 00:53:47,210
Kayla: I think you should remember that. It's weird.

00:53:47,870 --> 00:53:48,454
Chris: Okay.

00:53:48,502 --> 00:53:53,314
Kayla: It's just weird to me. I don't really get into that, but, like. Yeah, it's kind of like Donald situation.

00:53:53,442 --> 00:54:00,410
Chris: Yeah. Is it that, or is it just like. It's the racism? Like, I haven't heard of anything that's, you know, east of the.

00:54:00,530 --> 00:54:08,578
Kayla: Oh, no, because she's here. I think she lives here in the US. I couldn't quite. I couldn't find her address. I tried to, like, figure out where she is, but I think she.

00:54:08,634 --> 00:54:09,778
Chris: Can we go to her house?

00:54:09,874 --> 00:54:15,378
Kayla: I think she resides in the United States, currently. California, I think Florida.

00:54:15,514 --> 00:54:19,252
Chris: Ooh, I know where we're going next time we visit Florida.

00:54:19,386 --> 00:55:07,560
Kayla: So. So, yeah, she got all these awards, the 94 awards we talked about. In 2006, she got the Goosey Peace Prize presented by the president of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Now, I'm going to read you something from her website that we need to keep in mind. For the future. I don't remember why I said that, so maybe I'll cut that part. I don't know. I don't remember why I said, we're going to keep it in mind, but we'll see. The sales of all her artistic endeavors have enabled Master Qinghai to create an independent source of funding for humanitarian activities, highlighting her pragmatic view that we should always try and create our own means from which to give others. So, yeah, we do talk about that a little bit more, a little bit later.

00:55:07,680 --> 00:55:08,224
Chris: Okay.

00:55:08,312 --> 00:55:22,624
Kayla: She still teaches all over the world. She gives lectures to students who wish to be initiated and are willing to accept, and is willing to accept all faiths into her spiritual practice. So, again, being into supreme mess or Shanghai is not mutually exclusive with, like, Christianity or Buddhism or Hinduism.

00:55:22,632 --> 00:55:23,856
Chris: I feel like that's common, too.

00:55:23,928 --> 00:55:24,896
Kayla: Yeah, I know.

00:55:25,088 --> 00:55:28,864
Chris: You know, like, that was. That was Bhagwantry Rajneesh's thing.

00:55:28,952 --> 00:55:29,440
Kayla: Right?

00:55:29,560 --> 00:55:30,776
Chris: That's Ramtha's thing.

00:55:30,848 --> 00:55:32,744
Kayla: We're not a religion. We're just a thing.

00:55:32,872 --> 00:55:37,736
Chris: Yeah. You can do whatever religion you want and still do this. It's good because it lowers the barrier of entry.

00:55:37,808 --> 00:55:47,554
Kayla: Right. But also, like, there are, quote unquote, legitimate organizations that do it as well, like the unitarian universalist church, which is, like, that's a very.

00:55:47,642 --> 00:55:48,450
Chris: Also a cult.

00:55:48,570 --> 00:56:04,706
Kayla: It's a very legitimate faith organization, but it is not mutually exclusive with Christianity or Buddhism or Islam or other faiths. Anybody can be a unitarian universalist and also continue to practice other faiths. Maybe we'll do them someday.

00:56:04,818 --> 00:56:08,888
Chris: That is. I'm having a hard time logicking that.

00:56:08,984 --> 00:56:17,200
Kayla: Atheists can be in the church because they're. Because it's more like the unitarian universalist. From what I understand, it's almost more of a humanist organization.

00:56:17,360 --> 00:56:19,104
Chris: Yeah, it doesn't seem like an organization.

00:56:19,232 --> 00:56:22,984
Kayla: It's not like an organized faith in that way.

00:56:23,152 --> 00:56:37,192
Chris: But I guess we've talked about this before. If what you want out of church is that sense of community and togetherness and helping your neighbor and that kind of thing, then. And if you find that there, then I guess you can call it a church just for that flavor.

00:56:37,256 --> 00:56:40,424
Kayla: Plus, they get to sing, like, popular songs as opposed to, like, hymns.

00:56:40,552 --> 00:56:41,560
Chris: Oh, shit.

00:56:41,640 --> 00:56:42,792
Kayla: Yeah, it's great.

00:56:42,976 --> 00:56:43,700
Chris: Nice.

00:56:44,280 --> 00:56:57,816
Kayla: Supreme Master Qinghai speaks five languages, and she says that all her lectures and initiations are free of charge. Okay, so now we've got an overview of who Supreme Master Qinghai is, and it all sounds, like pretty okay, right?

00:56:57,968 --> 00:57:19,984
Chris: Like, the fact that you're asking me that is really scary. Well, right now, here's what it sounds like to me right now. Some lady, she did a lot of studying, a lot of. A lot of trying to get enlightened. She found the things she liked. Other people liked it, too, started following her, and then she'd a bunch of humanitarian things, and then got important, if not famous, right?

00:57:20,032 --> 00:57:30,492
Kayla: Like, this is just a woman who promotes veganism and meditation and compassion. Yeah, we ate one of her restaurants. It was delicious. So, at this point, like, maybe you're.

00:57:30,516 --> 00:57:32,884
Chris: Thinking, okay, can we just say the end at this point and just have.

00:57:32,892 --> 00:57:37,732
Kayla: It's another weird group here, right? Or at least, like, at least we're looking at another beneficial cult.

00:57:37,796 --> 00:57:39,120
Chris: Huh. The end.

00:57:39,460 --> 00:58:16,550
Kayla: I want to confess something. I wrote this script simultaneously while I was doing research. So when I wrote these words, I hadn't yet come across anything too terrible about Supreme Master Qinghai and her group. But we're just getting started, so maybe. Maybe I'll contradict myself later. I know now, but the me that wrote this didn't know. And the you now listening to it don't know. So let's find out together. Let's. Let's go ahead and talk about her various business ventures, including loving hut, and more specific details of her teachings.

00:58:16,670 --> 00:58:18,524
Chris: Good. Let's bring it back to our lunche.

00:58:18,602 --> 00:58:53,832
Kayla: I mean, my next sentence is, we've talked plenty about loving Hut at this point. So, just to reiterate, Loving Hut is a restaurant concept created by supreme master Shinghai in 2008. It is the fastest growing vegan restaurant chain in the world and has 140 locations across the globe. Each restaurant is a franchise, allowing each owner to create their own vegan menu in restaurant style. Each owner is a member of Qinghai's movement. As we noted when we ate there, many restaurants feed feature photos of famous vegans. We saw it. And then, like, the person who wrote the vice article also experienced that same thing.

00:58:53,896 --> 00:58:54,480
Chris: Okay.

00:58:54,600 --> 00:59:07,900
Kayla: And every single restaurant features a television that plays, as we mentioned, supreme Master Shanghai's very own 24/7 pro vegan, pro peace satellite channel known as Supreme Master TV.

00:59:08,400 --> 00:59:11,656
Chris: Okay, still not sounding bad. Peace is good.

00:59:11,728 --> 00:59:42,978
Kayla: Yeah, it's great. Let's talk about Suprememaster TV a little bit. If you Google Supreme Master TV, you get a number of Supremaster, comma, SMTV, dot, supremaster Television, YouTube, Supremaster TV. And the list goes on. And that's actually something that I noticed in my research. Like, this woman has a shit ton of websites, like a million different websites, all kind of the same thing, but just a million different, like, domain names.

00:59:43,034 --> 00:59:47,330
Chris: I mean, she approaches that the same way she approached religion. You just set shotgun effect. Yeah.

00:59:47,370 --> 00:59:54,594
Kayla: Pokemon. Supreme Master TV is just. It's interesting. You and I witnessed it.

00:59:54,762 --> 00:59:55,482
Chris: It was weird.

00:59:55,546 --> 01:00:43,490
Kayla: I think you might have already said this, but if not, I'll repeat it. Supreme Master television calls itself, quote, constructive programming for a peaceful world. It has its own logo, counts like a little heart thingy. And like we mentioned, 24/7 satellite channel owned by Qinghai herself. It is broadcast in over 40 countries and provides subtitles in a half dozen to a dozen languages. While the focus of the channel is Qinghai's specific brand of veganism and Buddhism, the rest of the various programming on the channel consists of spiritual and uplifting and pro vegan and eco friendly. Stories such as. These are, like, literally names and or descriptions of programs that are present on the channel. Uplifting literature, teachings from saints, breatharianism.

01:00:45,230 --> 01:00:46,710
Chris: Yes, there it is.

01:00:46,830 --> 01:00:51,250
Kayla: Animal world, our co inhabitants. Cinema scene and show.

01:00:52,030 --> 01:00:53,758
Chris: Show. Just show.

01:00:53,814 --> 01:01:03,810
Kayla: There was just a thing called show. I honestly, I put the link in here because I just needed you to see it. Cause I clicked on it. Like, this is a program. This is like something that's played on the show.

01:01:04,590 --> 01:01:05,542
Chris: Is it show the show?

01:01:05,606 --> 01:01:14,410
Kayla: It literally was just a link that said. It just said show. And then I click on it, and it just. Is this. It just says show. Show. That's it.

01:01:15,790 --> 01:01:17,070
Chris: Somebody call Kyle Mooney.

01:01:17,150 --> 01:01:18,430
Kayla: Show. Show.

01:01:18,590 --> 01:01:19,806
Chris: It's show. The show.

01:01:19,958 --> 01:01:20,650
Kayla: So.

01:01:21,070 --> 01:01:21,590
Chris: Okay.

01:01:21,630 --> 01:01:22,310
Kayla: I liked that one.

01:01:22,350 --> 01:01:23,480
Chris: Yeah, that's. I dig it.

01:01:23,590 --> 01:01:41,924
Kayla: So show. And then just kind of on and on. Because, again, it's a 24/7 channel. There needs to be a ton of programming. And like we said, we saw the channel while we're eating there, and it was weird. Like, it looks like a PBS show put on by a cult. That's what it looks like.

01:01:41,972 --> 01:01:44,060
Chris: Yeah, it does. It's like a cable access cult channel.

01:01:44,100 --> 01:01:54,304
Kayla: Yeah. Supreme Master Ching Hai herself also makes appearances there, of course, frequently. And interestingly, their twitter is extremely active, and they tweet about once a day.

01:01:54,352 --> 01:01:56,288
Chris: No shit. Why aren't we following them yet?

01:01:56,464 --> 01:02:03,376
Kayla: I think I did. I either followed them from my personal or from our culture. Just weird Twitter account. Either way, we're following them.

01:02:03,408 --> 01:02:04,432
Chris: Yeah. Okay, good.

01:02:04,616 --> 01:02:49,664
Kayla: They tend to highlight various eco friendly advances in technology, animal discoveries, that kind of thing. Supreme Master tv also claims to be a nonprofit. For what it's worth, many of the people who appear on this station and help it run are volunteers that is unpaid followers of supreme mastered Shanghai. Theyll pay for their own travel just for the opportunity of working for the supreme master herself. But like we mentioned, supreme master tv and lovinghut arent supreme master Shanghais only business ventures. She also launched a clothing line in New York and Paris in 1995. And I think she still sells some of this shit on her website. She has authored picture books such as the birds in my life and the Noble Wilds. And those are books consisting of photos that she has taken. She's written other books.

01:02:49,712 --> 01:02:51,464
Kayla: She sells all these things on her website.

01:02:51,552 --> 01:02:53,580
Chris: All these things are very disparate.

01:02:54,040 --> 01:03:11,240
Kayla: Her organization hosts websites which offer digital downloads of her media in 17 languages, as well as a, quote, celestial shop, which sells apparel and jewelry designed by high, often monogrammed with SM or supreme master. And she also, there sells her own paintings and vegan fur.

01:03:11,740 --> 01:03:12,532
Chris: Vegan fur.

01:03:12,596 --> 01:03:13,108
Kayla: Vegan fur.

01:03:13,164 --> 01:03:13,492
Chris: Love it.

01:03:13,516 --> 01:03:16,900
Kayla: Which is. Which is plastic, right.

01:03:16,940 --> 01:03:18,492
Chris: But I'm sure it feels nice.

01:03:18,596 --> 01:03:50,184
Kayla: I'm not saying it doesn't feel nice. I just. When you start getting into the, like, the vegan fur and the vegan leather stuff, it gets really interesting because it's just as damaging. Because, yeah, it can be very damaging to the ecosystem. Because, again, like, vegan fur is plastic, which kills a lot of fish and other animals. Vegan leather is made out of petroleum. Don't think I need to explain that any further. So it's kind of like, where. How much karmic harm are you outweighing?

01:03:50,272 --> 01:03:51,776
Chris: Veganism can get problematic.

01:03:51,848 --> 01:03:55,208
Kayla: Yeah, yeah, we'll do that one day.

01:03:55,344 --> 01:03:57,872
Chris: Aren't we kind of like we're doing veganism, the cult here?

01:03:57,936 --> 01:04:01,352
Kayla: No, we're just doing a cult that has veganism. We'll do veganism as a cult later.

01:04:01,496 --> 01:04:02,536
Chris: Adjacent.

01:04:02,728 --> 01:04:17,976
Kayla: So, yeah, the girl makes money, but even so, it's not entirely clear where her fortune comes from. We might have mentioned before that Qinghai claims that the group doesn't ask for or accept donations, but that doesn't really make sense.

01:04:18,048 --> 01:04:19,488
Chris: You said the channel was nonprofit.

01:04:19,544 --> 01:04:44,562
Kayla: Channel's nonprofit. Her thing's a non profit. But, like, nonprofits still accept donations. But, like, if you go on some of her websites, they very much, like, we do not accept. Which, again, doesn't make any sense because, like, multiple. Okay, multiple reports claim that the Los Angeles chapter of the group, which is the largest chapter, has 1.2 million in assets. And I saw la. Whoo. Yeah. I saw reports that had that as high as 3.7 million.

01:04:44,666 --> 01:04:45,490
Chris: Oh, my God.

01:04:45,610 --> 01:04:53,098
Kayla: But there's very little evidence from the IR's or otherwise, that these aren't donation based. So I don't understand.

01:04:53,194 --> 01:04:53,698
Chris: Huh.

01:04:53,754 --> 01:05:00,370
Kayla: But there's also evidence. There's also no evidence from the IR's or otherwise that the money is being improperly spent.

01:05:00,710 --> 01:05:01,730
Chris: Okay.

01:05:02,030 --> 01:05:12,894
Kayla: In fact, the group donates huge sums per year. In 2009, the LA center donated $639,066 to a variety of charitable organizations.

01:05:12,942 --> 01:05:13,958
Chris: That's not pocket change.

01:05:14,054 --> 01:05:26,144
Kayla: No. And it also doesn't look like anyone's like this money. Doesn't look like it's going directly into her pockets. You know what I mean? No one's getting improperly rich off of this.

01:05:26,232 --> 01:05:29,712
Chris: So she's not, like, flying in helicopters and then going into a Rolls Royce.

01:05:29,816 --> 01:05:55,720
Kayla: Oh, we'll talk about it. Their donations aren't entirely scandal free, however. In 1994, Supreme Master Shanghai gave $640,000 to Bill Clinton's presidential legal expenses trust, which two years later, was returned because of, quote, unquote, suspicious funding sources. And I couldn't really find too much more about it than suspicious funding sources.

01:05:56,420 --> 01:05:58,324
Chris: That doesn't sound good for either of them.

01:05:58,412 --> 01:06:06,124
Kayla: After that return, her group was described as a cult by both Time magazine and the Chicago Tribune.

01:06:06,172 --> 01:06:07,764
Chris: Oh, so they just dove right in.

01:06:07,812 --> 01:06:08,444
Kayla: Called it a cult.

01:06:08,532 --> 01:06:09,140
Chris: Okay.

01:06:09,260 --> 01:06:20,572
Kayla: Political scientist Patricia Thornton at the University of Oxford claims that the source of income behind all of Hyde's various business ventures are still murky. Because, again, we don't know where she.

01:06:20,596 --> 01:06:21,508
Chris: Makes her money at all.

01:06:21,564 --> 01:06:21,820
Kayla: Yeah.

01:06:21,860 --> 01:06:22,516
Chris: We just don't know.

01:06:22,588 --> 01:06:24,508
Kayla: I mean, yeah, basically.

01:06:24,644 --> 01:06:26,164
Chris: Do we guess? Do you guess?

01:06:26,252 --> 01:06:26,500
Kayla: No.

01:06:26,540 --> 01:06:28,524
Chris: Do you have a theory? Is it the food?

01:06:28,612 --> 01:06:29,756
Kayla: We can talk about it later.

01:06:29,948 --> 01:06:30,644
Chris: Okay.

01:06:30,732 --> 01:06:43,106
Kayla: We'll get into it. She also says that the Qinghai World Society's heavy reliance on the Internet for text distribution, recruitment and information sharing marks the group as a transnational cybersect. Good to know.

01:06:43,138 --> 01:06:44,710
Chris: Oh, you almost said cyber sex.

01:06:45,690 --> 01:06:59,434
Kayla: Transnational cybersecs. And that most of the media produced by our television programs is heavily self referential and promotional and aims to, quote, build a public record of recognition for group activities. So, basically, it's a recruitment tool, which.

01:06:59,522 --> 01:07:01,290
Chris: Yeah, clearly.

01:07:01,450 --> 01:07:03,506
Kayla: But, like, this is a professional person saying that.

01:07:03,618 --> 01:07:09,736
Chris: Oh, well, yeah, but, I mean, I feel like watching that channel. It was clearly pretty clear. Yeah. So.

01:07:09,768 --> 01:07:20,720
Kayla: Okay, I feel like we've talked about. Enough about the business stuff. Let's move on now to the weirder stuff. We can talk about the specific teachings. We can talk about her personality, her father.

01:07:20,760 --> 01:07:21,800
Chris: You said we'd get to that and.

01:07:21,840 --> 01:07:23,112
Kayla: All that juicy shit when I asked.

01:07:23,216 --> 01:07:24,816
Chris: Where the hell does her money come from?

01:07:24,968 --> 01:07:27,160
Kayla: We can speculate later when it's appropriate.

01:07:27,280 --> 01:07:28,088
Chris: Okay.

01:07:28,264 --> 01:07:47,560
Kayla: We said we'd come back to the Quan Yin method, so let's do that. Now, according to my research, the first time qinghai demonstrated the method for followers was in Taiwan. And while its shorthand name is the Quan yin method of meditation, shes also called it the immeasurable light meditation center in the way of sound contemplation.

01:07:49,340 --> 01:07:50,180
Chris: Thats a mouthful.

01:07:50,260 --> 01:07:54,880
Kayla: Which kind of relates back to what? Quan Yin, about listening to the sounds of the world.

01:07:55,220 --> 01:07:56,440
Chris: Okay. Sure.

01:07:56,740 --> 01:08:16,609
Kayla: The method is similar to a particular form of yoga called sratsabad yoga, which is found in a hindi tradition. This form of yoga relies heavily on spiritual vibrations and internal mantras. And again, Qinghai did not invent this method herself, but was initiated into it, and now she initiates others.

01:08:16,990 --> 01:08:20,174
Chris: Was this what she learned from the Himalaya dude?

01:08:20,341 --> 01:08:20,894
Kayla: Yes.

01:08:20,982 --> 01:08:21,662
Chris: Okay.

01:08:21,805 --> 01:08:40,609
Kayla: The mantra she often gives to followers to utilize during meditation is her own name. In fact, she wrote a book called the key of immediate enlightenment and said in that book that those who recite her name as a mantra during the practice would become spiritually enlightened.

01:08:40,729 --> 01:08:43,865
Chris: That is. Oh, man, that is ballsy.

01:08:43,937 --> 01:08:44,801
Kayla: It is clever.

01:08:44,904 --> 01:08:46,665
Chris: I respect that a lot.

01:08:46,777 --> 01:09:28,600
Kayla: The meditation method also asks that you center on the inner light and inner sound of God. Take that as you will. One nice thing about qinghai is that she incorporates a variety of faiths into her teachings. Like we said and says that the Bible itself contains descriptions of this method. And many other world religions have also used it. They just called it different names. As mentioned before, the method requires two and a half hours of meditation per day, as well as an adherence to a vegan or vegetarian diet. And one must also adhere to five precepts. The precepts of the quan yin method are very similar to the five precepts Buddhism. Okay, so I'll read those for you now. They're basically the same thing.

01:09:29,100 --> 01:10:05,518
Kayla: One, as all Buddhists refrain from killing until the end of their lives, so I, too, will refrain from killing until the end of my life. Two, as all buddhas refrained from stealing until the end of their lives, so I, too, will refrain from stealing until the end of my life. Three, as all buddhas refrain from sexual misconduct until the end of their lives, so I, too, will refrain from sexual misconduct until the end of my life. Four, as all buddhas refrain from false speech until the end of their lives, so I, too, will refrain from false speech until the end of my life. Five, as all buddhas refrain from alcohol until the end of their lives. So I, too, will refrain from alcohol until the end of my life.

01:10:05,574 --> 01:10:06,290
Chris: Boring.

01:10:07,030 --> 01:10:23,392
Kayla: So, some of the differences between the Kuan yin precepts and the buddhist precepts are basically, like, I think they specifically call out lying instead of false speech. And then I think instead of just being only alcohol, like, they're kind of no mind altering substances at all.

01:10:23,496 --> 01:10:28,800
Chris: Again, boring. Yeah, but they're enlightened, so their mind is already altered.

01:10:28,840 --> 01:10:29,460
Kayla: Yeah.

01:10:29,880 --> 01:10:31,768
Chris: They can just meditate their way into being high.

01:10:31,824 --> 01:10:32,696
Kayla: Exactly.

01:10:32,888 --> 01:10:34,304
Chris: Man, that's awesome.

01:10:34,392 --> 01:10:43,256
Kayla: Qinghai. Supreme Master Qinghai refers to herself as God's direct contact. In fact, that's the name of one of her websites.

01:10:43,368 --> 01:10:46,680
Chris: I feel like I've heard that from other charismatic leaders.

01:10:46,800 --> 01:10:55,136
Kayla: So that means that her enlightenment has put her directly in touch with the ultimate deity, and followers can think of her as a conduit to the divine.

01:10:55,248 --> 01:11:01,968
Chris: I feel like we need to go ask Teal, who has access to the Akashic records if Qinghai can really talk to God.

01:11:02,024 --> 01:11:02,456
Kayla: Right.

01:11:02,568 --> 01:11:09,994
Chris: Or maybe we should ask Qinghai if she can ask goddess if teal really has access to the Akashic records.

01:11:10,042 --> 01:11:11,714
Kayla: But don't leave Ramtha out of this.

01:11:11,842 --> 01:11:15,714
Chris: Oh, right. All right. I'll have to get back to you.

01:11:15,882 --> 01:11:34,260
Kayla: So, kind of along with this, in all of her websites, all several million of her websites, she is written about in a way that mimics the way christians speak about their God. That is, her pronouns, she, her, are always capitalized. Interesting.

01:11:34,420 --> 01:11:40,244
Chris: Oh, man. I just use that word again. Chutzpah on this lady is.

01:11:40,332 --> 01:11:45,100
Kayla: But remember, she didn't ask for this. She didn't pursue this. This was thrust upon her.

01:11:45,220 --> 01:11:46,740
Chris: Yeah, right.

01:11:46,900 --> 01:11:48,932
Kayla: So humble followers sought her out.

01:11:48,996 --> 01:11:49,500
Chris: She's humble.

01:11:49,540 --> 01:11:56,540
Kayla: She tried to send them away. And speaking of her followers, it's estimated that she has anywhere from 500,000 to 2 million people worldwide.

01:11:56,620 --> 01:11:57,572
Chris: Holy crap.

01:11:57,716 --> 01:11:59,720
Kayla: Not a small deal. Not a small deal.

01:11:59,760 --> 01:12:02,488
Chris: So, when we get to. Is it niche?

01:12:02,544 --> 01:12:14,816
Kayla: Yeah. Remember that for our criteria, she's also. This is where we can kind of talk about. We can start speculating about some of the money thing again. She's also incredibly well known for her looks. That sounds weird. So, let me explain.

01:12:14,968 --> 01:12:16,420
Chris: Are you gonna show me a picture?

01:12:16,720 --> 01:12:53,206
Kayla: Yes. Supreme Master Qinghai appears on her television channel often, as well as in speaking engagements publicly and speaking engagements all over the world. Ever since she's become such a public figure. I misspelled that. And it says pubic figure. Just thought you might want to know that ever since she's become such a public figure, she's been known for her colorful gowns and robes, her crown like headdresses, and her very noticeable jewelry, a look that actually mimics the depiction of Guanyin herself. She currently, she currently has platinum blonde hair and rarely appears wearing the same thing twice.

01:12:53,358 --> 01:12:54,822
Chris: Does she look like Mary Kay?

01:12:54,966 --> 01:13:37,580
Kayla: She does not look like Mary Kay, but I feel like she does have nice makeup. I'll show you some pictures in a moment. Some critics point to her personal style as being incompatible with her claims of being humble and living modestly. Also kind of doesn't go along with the, like, she's not getting rich off of her religion. These critics also point to the fact that while she doesn't travel by helicopter necessarily, she often travels to events via limousine and, quote, inspires feverish adoration, like a kind of deity cum rock star. Often when she appears, it's on lavish sets, and she's accompanied by a small handful of her preferred followers. So, yeah, let me pull up some pickies.

01:13:38,240 --> 01:13:38,992
Chris: Pickies?

01:13:39,096 --> 01:13:39,940
Kayla: Pickies.

01:13:40,840 --> 01:13:43,794
Chris: Is that what the xenials are calling pictures?

01:13:43,882 --> 01:13:47,906
Kayla: That's what I'm calling pictures. So that's an image of her on her website.

01:13:48,018 --> 01:13:48,426
Chris: Wow.

01:13:48,498 --> 01:13:50,714
Kayla: This is pre platinum blonde hair.

01:13:50,802 --> 01:13:51,082
Chris: Okay.

01:13:51,106 --> 01:13:59,522
Kayla: You can see she's got, like, she's adorned with a ton of jewelry. She's got a bunch of necklaces, big old earrings, like a crowny thingy, and then. Yeah, like a giant headdress.

01:13:59,586 --> 01:14:00,762
Chris: She looks like a literal queen.

01:14:00,826 --> 01:14:03,146
Kayla: Yeah, yeah. She looks like a supreme master.

01:14:03,258 --> 01:14:03,834
Chris: Yeah.

01:14:03,962 --> 01:14:09,634
Kayla: Next one is similar, just a different color. Less jewelry. No platinum blonde hair.

01:14:09,802 --> 01:14:11,018
Chris: Clothing's gorgeous.

01:14:11,074 --> 01:14:13,874
Kayla: She does have platinum blonde hair. This is a picky of her.

01:14:13,922 --> 01:14:15,170
Chris: Stop saying picky, please.

01:14:15,290 --> 01:14:21,906
Kayla: This is a picture of her basically entering one of her sets to give a speech.

01:14:21,978 --> 01:14:24,026
Chris: Yep. And I see she has, like, handlers there.

01:14:24,058 --> 01:14:32,682
Kayla: She's being accompanied by two gorgeous golden women. They're clad in gold, straight up. She looks like a goddess.

01:14:32,826 --> 01:14:33,512
Chris: Yeah.

01:14:33,666 --> 01:14:43,004
Kayla: So, yeah, it kind of doesn't really. Not really as compatible with the, like, the money gets donated. No one's getting rich out of this.

01:14:43,052 --> 01:14:48,412
Chris: Yeah. Like, humility is one of the last words I think of when I look at this picture.

01:14:48,516 --> 01:15:08,830
Kayla: She kind of addresses that in a way that, again, doesn't really go along with the, like, she's shy, lifestyle type thing. We'll talk about in a second. We're starting now to get into what I'm going to call the tidbits. Just the weird little things that came up during my research that just kind of made me go, huh.

01:15:09,850 --> 01:15:16,510
Chris: Also the little bits of leftover fake beef and peapods were also tidbits.

01:15:17,130 --> 01:15:48,350
Kayla: So at one point in Supreme Master Shanghai's career as a spiritual leader, she allegedly sold her bath water online, claiming that it had spiritual healing properties. Also, allegedly, she once sold her dirty socks to a follower for $800. Allegedly. Supreme master Ching hai, as we mentioned, is a pseudonym, but she has other pseudonyms in the States. Like I mentioned, where she sometimes resides, she operates under the name Celestia de Lamour.

01:15:50,330 --> 01:15:53,570
Chris: That's a great name. That's also a drag name.

01:15:53,730 --> 01:15:54,544
Kayla: Yeah.

01:15:54,722 --> 01:15:57,284
Chris: So, I don't know. She probably stole that from a drag queen.

01:15:57,332 --> 01:16:13,004
Kayla: Well, strangely enough, the name came up during a particularly weird controversy that had to do with her. In 2004, an artificial island and a 330 foot long boardwalk was created in the Biscayne national park, which is in Florida.

01:16:13,052 --> 01:16:16,840
Chris: Yeah, Biscayne. Yeah, yeah, it was.

01:16:18,580 --> 01:16:22,836
Kayla: So, okay, this thing got built. Kind of just popped up out of nowhere and then.

01:16:22,868 --> 01:16:24,268
Chris: What do you mean this thing got built?

01:16:24,324 --> 01:16:29,604
Kayla: It was an artificial island with a boardwalk got built in Biscayne National park. And it's a national park.

01:16:29,652 --> 01:16:31,236
Chris: You can't just, like, build stuff there.

01:16:31,348 --> 01:16:51,366
Kayla: Yeah, I know. The government had to spend a million dollars to remove it after it was illegally constructed by workers at a property owned by Qinghai. So she kind of, like, lived near this thing, and then they. They were just like, we're gonna build this. And she was known locally under the pseudonym Celestia de Lamour.

01:16:51,478 --> 01:16:52,590
Chris: You kind of broke me there.

01:16:52,670 --> 01:17:03,686
Kayla: Sorry. The private property owned by supreme master Shanghai adjacent to the national park was then seized by police and later sold at auction to the village of Palmetto Bay.

01:17:03,838 --> 01:17:08,198
Chris: Question. Why did she do that? Why did she build an artificial.

01:17:08,254 --> 01:17:09,230
Kayla: Followers did it.

01:17:09,310 --> 01:17:10,214
Chris: Her followers did it.

01:17:10,222 --> 01:17:17,798
Kayla: Her followers did it. And the idea is that her followers did it to please. Her follow up question, unclear whether they were directed to do this or they were just kind of like, let's build.

01:17:17,894 --> 01:17:19,450
Chris: Okay, that was my follow up question.

01:17:19,830 --> 01:17:20,730
Kayla: Unclear.

01:17:21,790 --> 01:17:26,390
Chris: Right. Okay, so. And this is all tied back to my lunch today.

01:17:26,470 --> 01:17:26,846
Kayla: Yeah.

01:17:26,918 --> 01:17:27,638
Chris: Okay. Got it.

01:17:27,654 --> 01:17:44,330
Kayla: Yeah. This lady is the one who made it possible for you to eat at Lovinghut because it was her idea. It was her brainchild. I found one new site which claimed that Qinghaide, at various times, had promoted the idea that time travel is possible.

01:17:45,510 --> 01:17:46,294
Chris: Is possible.

01:17:46,382 --> 01:18:04,622
Kayla: Is possible. I don't think. It's hard to believe that's something that she touts, because like we said earlier, she believes in fucking breatharianism, which for anyone who doesn't know, breatharianism is the belief that human beings can survive on simply sunlight and water alone. Like a plant, you can just breathe in the nutrients that you need from the air.

01:18:04,726 --> 01:18:07,328
Chris: PS, plants can't survive on that alone. But, yeah.

01:18:07,384 --> 01:18:11,264
Kayla: And also breatharianism has like, injured and killed people. So don't do it.

01:18:11,352 --> 01:18:13,112
Chris: Yeah, don't not eat forever.

01:18:13,176 --> 01:18:17,020
Kayla: No. Also don't stare directly into the sun.

01:18:18,040 --> 01:18:23,208
Chris: That does feel like a natural extension of like, super veganism. You know, it's like if I don't want to kill any.

01:18:23,264 --> 01:18:28,536
Kayla: Right. You go from super, you go from strict veganism to fruitarianism to breatharianism to you're dead.

01:18:28,648 --> 01:18:32,340
Chris: Can you eat salt? Cause salt, you don't have to kill anything.

01:18:32,730 --> 01:18:40,350
Kayla: Yeah, but you don't kill anything to like, eat other things either. Like breatharianism. I don't think there's, I don't think in breath arianism there's like, just eat salt.

01:18:41,370 --> 01:18:47,674
Chris: I guess. I guess if you're one of those people that like, only eats the fruit that like, naturally fell off. Right. You could do that.

01:18:47,802 --> 01:19:02,360
Kayla: One day we'll do breatharianism on this podcast. Because, like, my favorite story about breatharianism was like, I don't know if it was just some guy who ran a sect or if it's like the guy who like, invented breatharianism. He was once caught sneaking into a hotel and ordering a chicken pie.

01:19:02,440 --> 01:19:09,472
Chris: Oh, yeah, I remember that story. Okay, next time on cult or just weird.

01:19:09,576 --> 01:19:22,912
Kayla: So she believes in breatharianism. She believes in time travel. In other lectures, she's promoted the idea of materialism. This is what I mentioned before. This is a quote from her. People will make you feel guilty about making money. It's none of their business.

01:19:23,056 --> 01:19:28,742
Chris: Are you sure you're not just quoting Bhagwan tree Rajneesh there? Yeah, almost word for word.

01:19:28,806 --> 01:19:29,530
Kayla: I know.

01:19:30,070 --> 01:19:30,806
Chris: Okay.

01:19:30,918 --> 01:19:33,326
Kayla: There's a lot of similarities amongst a lot of these groups.

01:19:33,358 --> 01:19:41,470
Chris: Huh. I wonder why. It's almost like, it's almost like they need some sort of internal justification for all the money that they get.

01:19:41,550 --> 01:19:42,214
Kayla: Yeah.

01:19:42,382 --> 01:19:43,038
Chris: Interesting.

01:19:43,094 --> 01:19:47,982
Kayla: I think it's less than, I think it's more like, don't criticize me for making money.

01:19:48,126 --> 01:19:48,942
Chris: That's what I mean.

01:19:49,046 --> 01:19:55,608
Kayla: Yeah. I thought you meant more like they have to convince themselves. 0000 I think it's more of an external justification.

01:19:55,704 --> 01:19:57,536
Chris: Yeah. I meant intro to the cult, but yeah.

01:19:57,568 --> 01:20:08,168
Kayla: Gotcha, gotcha. Yeah. So we're both right. She's also mentioned that crop circles are messages aliens leave for each other and show UFO's were to land safely.

01:20:08,264 --> 01:20:11,248
Chris: Okay, well, I've seen signs, so I know that's true.

01:20:11,344 --> 01:20:17,600
Kayla: I'll take this moment to clarify that crop circles are a pretty neatly debunked hoax.

01:20:17,720 --> 01:20:18,760
Chris: Oh, yeah.

01:20:18,800 --> 01:20:19,460
Kayla: Sorry.

01:20:19,800 --> 01:20:20,488
Chris: It's people.

01:20:20,544 --> 01:20:22,880
Kayla: It's not aliens. I'll link to some info then.

01:20:22,920 --> 01:20:26,280
Chris: Why do I have all these glasses of water just sitting around my house?

01:20:26,400 --> 01:20:27,776
Kayla: You didn't even like that movie.

01:20:27,888 --> 01:20:28,896
Chris: It was mediocre.

01:20:28,968 --> 01:20:31,512
Kayla: It was fantastic. I love aliens.

01:20:31,656 --> 01:20:34,344
Chris: Like, 70% of our audience. What the f. They talking about water.

01:20:34,392 --> 01:20:38,960
Kayla: Around your go watch signs. It was mi chamois third film, I believe.

01:20:39,120 --> 01:20:44,728
Chris: If you email us at cult or just weird, I will give you the synopsis of signs. And you don't have to watch it.

01:20:44,744 --> 01:20:49,252
Kayla: Okay. I think people. People can probably just google it for themselves. They don't need you to give them a synopsis.

01:20:49,356 --> 01:20:53,684
Chris: Maybe they want it. Maybe this is. Maybe cults are just weird movie critic cornering.

01:20:53,732 --> 01:20:58,268
Kayla: Well, if you watch the movie, email us and let us know, and then we could talk about it.

01:20:58,324 --> 01:20:59,604
Chris: Let us know how crappy it was.

01:20:59,652 --> 01:21:41,938
Kayla: I really like that movie, and you're wrong about a lot of things. You also didn't like children of men, so you can pretty much fuck right off. That's what I'm gonna say right now. In an article in the Phoenix New Times, Stephen Lemons visited the supreme master Qinghai International association in Arizona. It's a smaller one, I think. There's, like, only 40 people that go there. And even so, he noticed that the center featured numerous shrines to Qinghai herself, including large portraits of her. And many followers at the center wore, like, big medallions that also had, like, photos of Supreme Master Shanghai on them. She's also vehemently a proponent of anti climate change activism.

01:21:42,074 --> 01:21:42,754
Chris: Well, that's nice.

01:21:42,802 --> 01:21:43,218
Kayla: Yeah.

01:21:43,314 --> 01:21:46,034
Chris: I mean, veganism helps that more than pretty much anything, right?

01:21:46,082 --> 01:21:55,258
Kayla: She believes veganism will save the world. She often points to the fact that there used to be four Venuses as a cautionary tale. The other ones died out.

01:21:55,274 --> 01:21:56,122
Chris: Where did that come from?

01:21:56,186 --> 01:22:01,074
Kayla: The other Venus has died out due to global warming, and we don't want to be like them. It's also.

01:22:01,242 --> 01:22:02,696
Chris: Okay, hold on.

01:22:02,778 --> 01:22:04,164
Kayla: Couldn't find out much more about that.

01:22:04,212 --> 01:22:07,428
Chris: Where are they? Are they in the current Venus's orbit?

01:22:07,524 --> 01:22:09,172
Kayla: No, I think they just, like, flew away.

01:22:09,356 --> 01:22:11,532
Chris: So they got so hot that they.

01:22:11,556 --> 01:22:13,516
Kayla: Flew away or disintegrated or they just.

01:22:13,548 --> 01:22:22,004
Chris: Oh, they melted. They were disintegrated. Okay. They melted and were destroyed. Does she know how hot the current Venus is? That it's, like, the most global warmed place.

01:22:22,052 --> 01:22:23,324
Kayla: You'll have to ask her.

01:22:23,492 --> 01:22:27,972
Chris: Okay, well, I mean, we're gonna go talk to her when we go to Biscayne Bay.

01:22:28,076 --> 01:22:31,574
Kayla: It's actually really funny. No, that property was sold. She doesn't have that property.

01:22:31,622 --> 01:22:33,614
Chris: All right, well, shit, we gotta track her down.

01:22:33,662 --> 01:22:55,326
Kayla: It's really funny because in this article in the Phoenix New Times, which I think is from 2009, they talk a lot about her belief in climate change and her like, anti climate change activism. And because it was 2009 and because it's coming from Phoenix, they paint that aspect of her teachings.

01:22:55,398 --> 01:22:58,142
Chris: Oh, interesting cult as like, this is.

01:22:58,166 --> 01:23:03,540
Kayla: Very much doomsday cult stuff. She thinks the world's gonna end. It's just kind of like all of those Hale bop comet people.

01:23:04,000 --> 01:23:05,568
Chris: Great, great. That's.

01:23:05,624 --> 01:23:16,096
Kayla: But again, it's 2009. I don't know if ten years later, if this. If this writer would say the same thing. Also, this writer was clearly wrong. I don't want to side with the cult leader, but climate change is real, right?

01:23:16,128 --> 01:23:17,504
Chris: No, it's. It's. But it is shitty.

01:23:17,552 --> 01:23:19,664
Kayla: We don't want to burn up, like, one of the four Venuses, right?

01:23:19,712 --> 01:23:30,038
Chris: We don't. Yeah, I mean, there's only one Venus left, but yeah, no, it is shitty that it's a. Like that you can attach negativity to something like that.

01:23:30,094 --> 01:23:30,574
Kayla: Right.

01:23:30,702 --> 01:23:33,902
Chris: Via being a little. Also crazy.

01:23:33,926 --> 01:23:49,382
Kayla: Well, it's the same with veganism too. Like you said. Like, I don't know if veganism is necessary the answer to saving the world. I do think it is answer. Potentially not. That's not going to fix everything, but it's definitely a tactic that can be taken.

01:23:49,526 --> 01:23:50,210
Chris: Sure.

01:23:50,840 --> 01:23:54,024
Kayla: Simple fact to attach it to a cult is just kind of like shitty, right?

01:23:54,072 --> 01:24:01,512
Chris: Well, the simple fact is that the. The most greenhouse gases comes from, unfortunately, raising meat for us to eat.

01:24:01,576 --> 01:24:02,160
Kayla: Right?

01:24:02,320 --> 01:24:06,904
Chris: At least the most powerful ones, if not by volume, certainly by. By greenhouse.

01:24:07,032 --> 01:24:09,568
Kayla: Literally all their farts in burps and poops.

01:24:09,744 --> 01:24:18,432
Chris: Right. Which I am aware of. And I honestly be vegan myself. I just. I love meat so much.

01:24:18,496 --> 01:24:39,128
Kayla: Oh, yeah. I guess I should like full disclosure. One host is meatarian and the other host is a 99% of the time vegetarian. Dabbles in veganism and other things from time to time. I don't think it's a mystery. Which is. Which is it?

01:24:39,144 --> 01:24:40,744
Chris: Because I already said that I'm Meatosaurus.

01:24:40,832 --> 01:24:41,168
Kayla: Yeah.

01:24:41,224 --> 01:24:44,354
Chris: Okay. I don't only eat meat.

01:24:44,442 --> 01:24:46,114
Kayla: He only eats meat. Don't let him fool you.

01:24:46,202 --> 01:24:48,338
Chris: Sometimes I have, like, sauce on the.

01:24:48,354 --> 01:24:49,898
Kayla: Meat, sometimes you put salt on the meat.

01:24:49,994 --> 01:24:52,698
Chris: Yeah. And then, like, hot dogs need to have.

01:24:52,834 --> 01:24:53,986
Kayla: Gotta have a bun.

01:24:54,178 --> 01:24:57,770
Chris: I was gonna say mustard buns are optional. Really?

01:24:57,850 --> 01:25:08,396
Kayla: Buns are always optional. So, yeah, climate change is real. Try a vegan meal once in a while. If the world ends because of you. Cow poops.

01:25:08,458 --> 01:25:08,856
Chris: Oh, sorry.

01:25:08,888 --> 01:25:14,448
Kayla: Right. So we said that we're gonna get into the weird stuff.

01:25:14,544 --> 01:25:16,800
Chris: Wait, this is already. There's four venuses.

01:25:16,880 --> 01:25:23,280
Kayla: Let's get into the real weird stuff. This is the, like, real life, culty, like, hard cult kind of stuff.

01:25:23,360 --> 01:25:24,168
Chris: Okay.

01:25:24,344 --> 01:25:49,212
Kayla: First, Qinghai was at the center of a controversy in China in 2002. While her movement had long been deemed anti communist and a reactionary religious organization in China. The real trouble because, again, like, as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong, there's not a lot of room for various faiths in China. And various faiths can be labeled these things, especially, like, back in 2002 times.

01:25:49,356 --> 01:26:02,346
Chris: Yeah, I think that's true, but that's not a topic that I am well versed in, other than just knowing that traditional leninist communism, at least Washington was atheist, was anti religion.

01:26:02,498 --> 01:26:14,138
Kayla: So the real trouble for Qinghai began when an electronics company was accused by the government of actually being a front for recruiting members into supreme. Mister Qinghai's group.

01:26:14,194 --> 01:26:15,234
Chris: An electronics company?

01:26:15,282 --> 01:26:44,796
Kayla: Yeah. And they were secretly distributing texts in organizing these initiations. Now, doesn't really mean anything, because, like, China thinks a lot of things are cults, right? Sure. They have deemed a lot of various religions cults. So that doesn't necessarily mean Qinghai's a cult. I mean, as one of the articles I read stated, unlike practices used at better known cults, Qinghai does not seem to be calling on her followers to cut themselves off from their friends and family, nor hustling them for their money.

01:26:44,908 --> 01:26:45,300
Chris: Aw.

01:26:45,380 --> 01:26:55,948
Kayla: According to her website, her lectures, which are attended by hundreds of devotees, are free of charge. Okay, but not so fast. Oh, the my recipes article, as well.

01:26:55,964 --> 01:26:59,244
Chris: As, oh, my recipes with the incisive.

01:26:59,332 --> 01:27:04,484
Kayla: Well, it was a combo. What follows is a combo of my recipes and the Phoenix New Times article.

01:27:04,572 --> 01:27:05,980
Chris: Why my recipes?

01:27:06,140 --> 01:27:12,148
Kayla: They have a journalism branch I don't understand. But, like, what's it's called? Like, crusty or something.

01:27:12,244 --> 01:27:24,044
Chris: But is it because of loving hut that they're like, we're gonna dig into this, or is it just, like, random? Why did somebody at the my recipes journalism branch say, I'm gonna do a story on Shanghai?

01:27:24,092 --> 01:27:24,980
Kayla: Because it's about food.

01:27:25,100 --> 01:27:27,004
Chris: Okay? Because it's about food. That's what I was okay.

01:27:27,092 --> 01:27:31,140
Kayla: Yeah. It's called the journalism branch is called Extra crispy.

01:27:31,260 --> 01:27:32,760
Chris: Extra crispy.

01:27:33,500 --> 01:27:42,556
Kayla: I love it. So according to their article and the Phoenix and Times article, they both quoted Rick Allen Ross, who is the founder of the cult education Institute.

01:27:42,628 --> 01:27:43,212
Chris: Yeah.

01:27:43,356 --> 01:27:49,868
Kayla: And he firmly believes Qinghai's organization is a cult. According to my recipes, I look at.

01:27:49,884 --> 01:27:55,652
Chris: His stuff pretty much every episode, and most of the ones we've talked about.

01:27:55,796 --> 01:27:56,524
Kayla: He says they're cult.

01:27:56,572 --> 01:28:03,372
Chris: He has said at least something about, if not declaring, including, I believe, last episode with Mary Kay.

01:28:03,516 --> 01:28:04,348
Kayla: Oh, interesting.

01:28:04,404 --> 01:28:10,872
Chris: Yeah. It's sort of like this. This goal in my head of having him on the show one day.

01:28:10,936 --> 01:28:13,080
Kayla: Ooh. Rick Allen Ross. Get on our show.

01:28:13,200 --> 01:28:13,864
Chris: Get on it.

01:28:13,912 --> 01:29:01,012
Kayla: Do we follow him on Twitter? We should. So the articles quote him as saying, quote, cei the art. Wait, according to my recipes, quote, the CEI had received complaints from friends and loved ones of group members who said that they'd become so submersed in its activities that they had begun to neglect their families. One such story appeared in the northeast Wales Daily Post under the provocative headline, cult took my wife. Now it's funding a woodland in north Wales. Describing an elderly man who claimed his wife had left him and their ten year old son for the group, the man urged a local trust not to accept a sizable donation from Qinghai, which he said was given in order to buy credibility. Phoenix New Times shed a little more light on this situation, said they quoted Liverpool's Daily Post.

01:29:01,116 --> 01:29:20,240
Kayla: Liverpool's Daily Post quoted the anonymous man as saying that his wife, an academic, would disappear for months whenever the supreme master ordered. He claimed. Months. He claimed she lost a well paying job because of it and ended up wasting money buying the cult's jewelry at 7000 to 8000 pounds per item.

01:29:20,660 --> 01:29:26,320
Chris: Oh, man. And she would just give it to the cult? Like, here's. Here's.

01:29:26,740 --> 01:29:28,268
Kayla: No. She would buy the jewelry. Right.

01:29:28,284 --> 01:29:29,548
Chris: That's what I'm saying. She'd buy the jewelry.

01:29:29,604 --> 01:29:29,868
Kayla: Yeah.

01:29:29,924 --> 01:29:32,188
Chris: So she would wear it or she would give it to Qinghai.

01:29:32,244 --> 01:29:33,772
Kayla: She was buying the jewelry from the cult.

01:29:33,876 --> 01:29:36,020
Chris: Oh, from the cult. I'm sorry, I thought you meant that she.

01:29:36,060 --> 01:29:37,716
Kayla: No, she was buying the jewelry that.

01:29:37,748 --> 01:29:38,412
Chris: And then giving it to.

01:29:38,436 --> 01:29:40,724
Kayla: No, because Qinghai designs jewelry herself.

01:29:40,772 --> 01:29:42,996
Chris: I forgot that they also did that.

01:29:43,108 --> 01:29:47,804
Kayla: So she was spending seven to 8000 pounds per necklace or whatever.

01:29:47,972 --> 01:29:49,412
Chris: Yeah, worth.

01:29:49,596 --> 01:30:09,500
Kayla: The same article mentioned that the message board on the Rick Ross Institute website often speaks of cult like activity coming out of this group. Family members of Qinghai followers have claimed that the association brainwashes its members through prolonged meditation, which we know about, and a diet that keeps them weak and compliant. Ooh, interesting.

01:30:10,000 --> 01:30:13,536
Chris: Oh, no. What did we eat?

01:30:13,648 --> 01:30:26,514
Kayla: High's followers end up devoting all their time to the cult and force their families into debt, spending money on high merchandise. Now, there's a bit of a myth that a vegan diet is gonna make you weakly.

01:30:26,682 --> 01:30:28,354
Chris: Right? I know. That's super not true.

01:30:28,402 --> 01:30:46,546
Kayla: Yeah, there are vegan bodybuilders out there. There's plenty of vegans walking around that get all their nutrition. So I don't know if I buy this. Like, these people are being subjugated by their vegan diet. I don't really buy that. I do buy the vegan diet being used as kind of like a group building ritual, if you want.

01:30:46,578 --> 01:30:46,882
Chris: Ritual.

01:30:46,946 --> 01:30:50,874
Kayla: Yeah, I buy that. I don't buy it. That they're, like, all weak on the floor and can't.

01:30:51,002 --> 01:30:57,130
Chris: Right. It's because it's a misconception that vegetarianism won't get your nutrients other.

01:30:57,250 --> 01:31:03,386
Kayla: Except for b twelve. Vegans get your b twelve, you can't get it from your food. You have to take really?

01:31:03,538 --> 01:31:05,234
Chris: That you can only get b twelve from meat?

01:31:05,282 --> 01:31:13,810
Kayla: I think it's b twelve. I'll double check. But I'm not. Remember how I have. Remember when I was vegan for six months and I had to take those chewable tablets every day?

01:31:13,890 --> 01:31:15,644
Chris: Oh, I think it was b twelve.

01:31:15,842 --> 01:31:24,560
Kayla: It might be a different b. I'll correct myself later if I'm wrong, but there's a specific B vitamin that is only from animal products. So you have to take a supplement.

01:31:24,680 --> 01:31:25,752
Chris: Son of a gun.

01:31:25,896 --> 01:31:34,740
Kayla: Other accusations included that Qinghai followers are encouraged to purchase her books on Amazon so that they rise up to the number one spots on the site.

01:31:36,600 --> 01:31:43,290
Chris: Not cause, like, hey, you should read my book. But just SEO. That's some, like, really convoluted SEO.

01:31:43,330 --> 01:32:19,644
Kayla: It's probably sold to the followers as, like, buy the books. But really, in reality, she's just trying to get it to number one. Cause remember, this is an accusation from the family members of the people in the cult. Okay, now, to close up, I want to read you a particularly damning passage from the Phoenix New Times, which might heavily influence how we evaluate this group when we get to the end. Regarding Shanghai's movement, Rick Allen Ross is not impressed. He contends the association meets the three requirements laid down by noted cult researcher Robert J. Lifton for classification as a cult.

01:32:19,732 --> 01:32:22,132
Chris: Oh, wait, so he only has three criteria?

01:32:22,276 --> 01:32:22,668
Kayla: Yeah.

01:32:22,724 --> 01:32:23,596
Chris: What a chump.

01:32:23,708 --> 01:32:24,516
Kayla: Don't say that.

01:32:24,588 --> 01:32:27,340
Chris: I mean, we have. What do we have, five? Six. We have six. Right.

01:32:27,380 --> 01:32:29,524
Kayla: Well, listen to the. Listen to the criteria.

01:32:29,612 --> 01:32:32,360
Chris: We have six. We are twice as good as this guy.

01:32:33,210 --> 01:32:36,050
Kayla: Redundant. I don't know. Let's listen to his criteria.

01:32:36,090 --> 01:32:37,626
Chris: No, that's not how criteria work.

01:32:37,778 --> 01:32:43,778
Kayla: Here's his criteria for classification of a cult. A charismatic authoritarian leader who becomes the object of worship.

01:32:43,874 --> 01:32:45,858
Chris: Oh, what? We got it.

01:32:45,954 --> 01:32:48,346
Kayla: Coercive persuasion or thought reform.

01:32:48,498 --> 01:32:51,274
Chris: I think that's basically anti factuality and.

01:32:51,322 --> 01:32:54,514
Kayla: Exploitation of group members by the leader and the ruling coterie.

01:32:54,602 --> 01:32:59,170
Chris: And that is expected harm. But we have three more.

01:32:59,250 --> 01:33:00,314
Kayla: What the hell are our other ones?

01:33:00,362 --> 01:33:01,602
Chris: Because we are twice as good.

01:33:01,626 --> 01:33:02,664
Kayla: You got niche.

01:33:02,802 --> 01:33:07,540
Chris: Is it niche? Which is more. It's less. Is it a cult or not? And more, is it, like, accepted? And therefore.

01:33:07,620 --> 01:33:09,040
Kayla: Right. What are the other two?

01:33:09,380 --> 01:33:13,412
Chris: And then the other two are percentage of life consumed.

01:33:13,436 --> 01:33:14,340
Kayla: Percentage of life consumed.

01:33:14,380 --> 01:33:20,708
Chris: Because we felt that was not necessarily the exact same thing as damage.

01:33:20,804 --> 01:33:21,468
Kayla: Right.

01:33:21,644 --> 01:33:32,514
Chris: And then our other one is ritual, which I feel like is an important thing that. Particularly for this show where we're kind of shooting for the gray area.

01:33:32,602 --> 01:33:33,162
Kayla: Right.

01:33:33,306 --> 01:33:47,274
Chris: Ritual, I think, helps. Helps identify some of those things. Like we talked about with Irvine. Right. Like, one of the. One of the only reasons that I. Or one of the main reasons that I felt like Irvine was a good choice for the show was because they have their damn logo everywhere.

01:33:47,402 --> 01:33:52,098
Kayla: Well, we also. Our definition of ritual is very expansive. It's very inclusive.

01:33:52,234 --> 01:33:58,654
Chris: Yeah. The point is the ritual everywhere that we are trying to say here is that we are much better.

01:33:58,742 --> 01:34:07,470
Kayla: I'm not saying that. And I think that if you would like Rick Alan Ross to come on our website one day, you shouldn't criticize. No, but his criteria, these are what he's quoting. So I'll just say, don't criticize him.

01:34:07,510 --> 01:34:21,078
Chris: Look, I'm not criticizing. I'm just saying that we're way better. There's nothing wrong with that. Like, we are at the peak, okay? We are the mountaintop. And it's okay if you're not as good as us. That's fine.

01:34:21,134 --> 01:34:22,378
Kayla: Okay. Supreme master.

01:34:22,494 --> 01:34:26,402
Chris: Supreme master. I would make an excellent charismatic leader.

01:34:26,466 --> 01:34:50,984
Kayla: Oh, my God. All right. Okay. Going back to the quote from the article, even if the product of the cult, in this case the meals produced by loving huts, are arguably good, Ross said he would never. Arguably, Ross said he would never patronize such an establishment quote. I would not go to a business run by a purported cult leader. He said one that.

01:34:51,032 --> 01:34:54,620
Chris: Well, so he's not coming on the show anyway. Now, cause went to the restaurant.

01:34:54,920 --> 01:34:57,840
Kayla: He could still talk to us. He's not like, I will never talk to someone who's.

01:34:57,880 --> 01:35:00,832
Chris: Yeah, no. He's gonna be like, oh, I wouldn't have gone there, man.

01:35:00,896 --> 01:35:14,980
Kayla: Let me finish the quote. Ross said one that exploits or harm members. I would have an ethical problem and feel quite conflicted putting money into the till that ultimately benefits Supreme Master Qinghai.

01:35:15,560 --> 01:35:18,344
Chris: So he really feels like she's doing some bad stuff.

01:35:18,472 --> 01:35:31,500
Kayla: I think that he's saying that it doesn't even need to be that, like, people are getting, like, Scientology hidden in, like, pits or, like, teal swan suicided to be, like, bad enough that you shouldn't play around with it.

01:35:32,400 --> 01:35:36,056
Chris: So what did I just eat, then? Like, that you just eat vegan food.

01:35:36,088 --> 01:35:38,184
Kayla: You literally just ate vegan food. There's nothing weird in it.

01:35:38,232 --> 01:35:42,260
Chris: I know there's nothing weird in it. But now I kind of feel like we just did something unethical.

01:35:42,600 --> 01:35:47,260
Kayla: Yeah, potentially great. But I also was really good, and I wanna eat there again.

01:35:47,720 --> 01:35:52,016
Chris: Yeah. I don't know if I wanna eat there again. I think it was fine, frankly, if.

01:35:52,048 --> 01:35:57,120
Kayla: We would go back to best friends. If we would go back to best friends animal society.

01:35:57,240 --> 01:35:59,960
Chris: Yeah, but they're done with all that, I think.

01:36:00,040 --> 01:36:09,120
Kayla: We don't know for sure. And they definitely gotta obfuscate it. Also, we do unethical shit all the time. There's no ethical consumerism under capitalism.

01:36:09,160 --> 01:36:10,322
Chris: Oh, boy. Right. I.

01:36:10,376 --> 01:36:16,150
Kayla: You wear. You have a phone. That was probably made by underpaid workers. Yeah.

01:36:16,190 --> 01:36:18,910
Chris: Rick Ross. Do you have a phone?

01:36:18,990 --> 01:36:20,646
Kayla: Yeah. If he has a phone, he's a hypocrite.

01:36:20,798 --> 01:36:22,758
Chris: We need to stop shitting on this guy.

01:36:22,814 --> 01:36:23,766
Kayla: I'm not. You stop.

01:36:23,798 --> 01:36:25,970
Chris: Because I use his information a lot.

01:36:26,950 --> 01:36:36,140
Kayla: And I definitely agree with him. I'm just saying that, like, you can't live a perfectly ethical life. I'm already the person who's, like, I'm a vegetarian because I feel bad about killing the animals.

01:36:36,310 --> 01:36:36,880
Chris: Right.

01:36:37,000 --> 01:36:39,056
Kayla: I want to eat at loving hut sometimes, guys.

01:36:39,248 --> 01:36:39,792
Chris: Right.

01:36:39,896 --> 01:36:42,440
Kayla: I can definitely convince myself that it's okay.

01:36:42,560 --> 01:36:43,416
Chris: Some pig.

01:36:43,528 --> 01:36:54,180
Kayla: Some pig. Yeah. I don't want to eat wilbur. Remember how she dies at the end? It's really upsetting. Also, do you remember how she was hot?

01:36:54,560 --> 01:36:55,184
Chris: What?

01:36:55,312 --> 01:36:57,888
Kayla: Oh, my God. Charlotte, the spider was definitely hot.

01:36:57,984 --> 01:37:00,320
Chris: What are you talking about, you weirdo?

01:37:00,360 --> 01:37:02,328
Kayla: She was hot. She was a hot spider.

01:37:02,504 --> 01:37:05,432
Chris: No, they. She was always illustrated as a spider.

01:37:05,536 --> 01:37:08,368
Kayla: No, the. In the. I'm talking about the movie.

01:37:08,464 --> 01:37:09,840
Chris: Who watched the movie?

01:37:09,960 --> 01:37:11,440
Kayla: I watched the movie a lot.

01:37:11,560 --> 01:37:13,384
Chris: Are we gonna keep this whole thing about a hot spider.

01:37:13,432 --> 01:37:20,940
Kayla: No, but I'm definitely gonna show you a hot spider. She was hot. She's Debbie Reynolds hot spider.

01:37:21,520 --> 01:37:22,176
Chris: Oh, yeah.

01:37:22,248 --> 01:37:24,176
Kayla: Yeah. Tell me she was a hot spider.

01:37:24,288 --> 01:37:25,024
Chris: Yeah. That is hot.

01:37:25,072 --> 01:37:42,968
Kayla: Yeah. Anyway, Ross said he regards loving hot restaurants as recruitment tools for Qinghai, whom he views as a nefarious figure. So we may want to rethink going there again. Or if we do, we dine and dash. We do not support dine and dashing. That was a joke.

01:37:43,024 --> 01:37:46,808
Chris: Great. So we have to either dine and dash or support a cult. Great.

01:37:46,864 --> 01:37:52,264
Kayla: But also remember that it's a franchise situation. You're helping a small business, local family business. I don't know.

01:37:52,432 --> 01:37:53,140
Chris: Sure.

01:37:54,130 --> 01:38:20,770
Kayla: The food was really good. Okay, before we totally finish with this, I just want to mention that again. I'm leaving out a bunch of stuff because there's just. There's so much here. I'm going to link to a particular article that I couldn't really get to in this when we post the episode. It's an LA Weekly article written by Nancy Rommelman in 2002 in which she was actually able to spend a day with some very high up members of the Qinghai organization, and things got weird.

01:38:21,190 --> 01:38:22,246
Chris: I'm definitely reading that.

01:38:22,278 --> 01:38:51,278
Kayla: Yeah. It's an incredible article. You should check it out. I wish there was more room to fit it all in, but we have to draw the line somewhere. Definitely check this article out. It's amazing. All right, so now that we've talked about Supreme Master Qinghai, her background, her spiritual journey, her teachings, her business ventures, and have even eaten at one of her restaurants, do we feel ready to answer the question of this podcast? Is loving hut a cult, or is it just weird?

01:38:51,414 --> 01:38:54,410
Chris: For all you ASMR fans, here comes your favorite part.

01:38:57,790 --> 01:38:59,870
Kayla: I got a bunch of emails telling us to stop doing that.

01:38:59,910 --> 01:39:07,974
Chris: I know that you didn't, because I share your email account. Here are the criteria. Let's go through them. Shall we?

01:39:08,022 --> 01:39:08,534
Kayla: Do it.

01:39:08,622 --> 01:39:13,734
Chris: Okay, so I'm gonna pick them in a random order this time. I don't know why. I just am.

01:39:13,822 --> 01:39:14,502
Kayla: That's good.

01:39:14,646 --> 01:39:17,290
Chris: Let's start with percentage of life consumed.

01:39:18,310 --> 01:39:21,646
Kayla: If you own a franchise, all of it. Your whole life.

01:39:21,838 --> 01:39:34,022
Chris: Yeah. But then that's also your business, so, you know, that's your source of income, too. But it did sound like that one lady was gone for months at a time.

01:39:34,126 --> 01:39:37,310
Kayla: Yeah. Also, if you follow those two and a half hours of meditation a day.

01:39:37,350 --> 01:39:38,966
Chris: Or up to 5 hours, that's a lot.

01:39:39,038 --> 01:39:43,132
Kayla: Or people who that, like, go work on her I news channel. And they just, like, they just go do it.

01:39:43,156 --> 01:39:50,748
Chris: Fuck off. And spend their own money and. Yeah. So I'm gonna say hi. Not like the most we've ever seen.

01:39:50,804 --> 01:39:51,332
Kayla: Right.

01:39:51,476 --> 01:39:55,820
Chris: Like, I would say it's less than, like, teal where you're going to her compound.

01:39:55,940 --> 01:39:56,600
Kayla: Right.

01:39:57,060 --> 01:39:59,236
Chris: But it's. It can be high for sure.

01:39:59,308 --> 01:39:59,920
Kayla: Right.

01:40:00,220 --> 01:40:02,908
Chris: All right, let's move on to anti factuality.

01:40:02,964 --> 01:40:07,324
Kayla: Okay. Crops breatharianism.

01:40:07,372 --> 01:40:43,262
Chris: Oh, sorry. Right. There was a lot of. I was. I was thinking just about the more of the. Because there's. There's. There's multiple bits to this. Right. There's the purely worse. We're shooting out just fake stuff. Right. And that's like the crop circles and four venus's. And okay, clearly that's not factual. But then there's also the hiding things. Are they hiding things a little bit maybe, like, where their income comes from or, you know, how much she is actually, like, oh, no, don't follow me, but. Do follow me.

01:40:43,366 --> 01:40:55,990
Kayla: But then, like, the actual spiritual practice of, like, meditating and compassion. Like, meditation is good for you. And, like, meditation is a. It's prayer. It's like, that's a part of many spiritual journeys. There's not really a lot of anti factuality there. Like, it's good for your health.

01:40:56,110 --> 01:41:03,368
Chris: What about the closed logical system where we talk about, like, motivated reasoning and the more that something proves it disproves it?

01:41:03,424 --> 01:41:04,660
Kayla: I don't really think that's there.

01:41:05,200 --> 01:41:06,384
Chris: Okay. Yeah.

01:41:06,472 --> 01:41:11,544
Kayla: Especially not, like, in the restaurants. Like, the restaurants, if you remember, the restaurants weren't very, like. They weren't proselytizing.

01:41:11,672 --> 01:41:13,304
Chris: They weren't like the tv.

01:41:13,472 --> 01:41:21,264
Kayla: The tv was. But remember, the tv was on super low. And like, that's noted that the tv is almost always kept very low. It's like, it's there if you want it, but it's. It's.

01:41:21,352 --> 01:41:21,752
Chris: Yeah.

01:41:21,816 --> 01:41:36,140
Kayla: Not being. You don't have to kind of, like, deal with it. If you want to get a meal there. Like, it's there if you want it. If you want to ask for some literature, it's there if you want to talk about it's there. If you want to watch the tv, it's there. But you can also just go and enjoy your meal and not feel like you're going to be pressured into joining a cult.

01:41:36,480 --> 01:41:48,184
Chris: So I'd almost say that there's, like. So they have some bad facts, like, for Venus's, but I almost feel like that falls a little short of anti factuality, where it's just because you have bad facts doesn't necessarily mean you are anti fact.

01:41:48,232 --> 01:41:48,820
Kayla: Right?

01:41:50,160 --> 01:41:51,488
Chris: Is that a reality?

01:41:51,504 --> 01:41:55,820
Kayla: We don't know that. She's like, if somebody fake things to manipulate people.

01:41:55,900 --> 01:41:56,164
Chris: Right.

01:41:56,212 --> 01:42:00,612
Kayla: In the way that we're fairly certain that, like, Jay Z Knight is saying fake things to manipulate people.

01:42:00,676 --> 01:42:01,280
Chris: Right?

01:42:01,780 --> 01:42:03,420
Kayla: Are we gonna get sued for saying that?

01:42:03,540 --> 01:42:04,124
Chris: I don't care.

01:42:04,172 --> 01:42:06,012
Kayla: Jay Z Knight's saying fake things to manipulate people.

01:42:06,116 --> 01:42:15,684
Chris: Yeah. That is what's happening. Okay. Ritual. I mean, for sure here, I'm definitely thinking there's some ritual.

01:42:15,812 --> 01:42:16,820
Kayla: Two and a half hours meditation.

01:42:16,860 --> 01:42:18,964
Chris: We just participated in one of the rituals.

01:42:19,012 --> 01:42:20,348
Kayla: Vegan food. Yeah. Yeah.

01:42:20,484 --> 01:42:29,108
Chris: Eating is. Even if it wasn't vegan, I think just the act of eating is a very ritualistic thing. We all do it.

01:42:29,164 --> 01:42:29,596
Kayla: Right.

01:42:29,708 --> 01:42:33,740
Chris: But they're associating it with this group, with this organization. With them.

01:42:33,780 --> 01:42:41,428
Kayla: Right, right. Well, if you remember, we started this episode talking about other restaurants started by other cults.

01:42:41,564 --> 01:42:42,028
Chris: Right?

01:42:42,124 --> 01:42:48,132
Kayla: Like, it seems to. Groups continue to come back to that, and it's not just coincidental, like, there's.

01:42:48,156 --> 01:42:49,810
Chris: A reason for it. Right, exactly.

01:42:49,850 --> 01:42:53,470
Kayla: I mean, Catholics eat a little snack at mass, right?

01:42:53,770 --> 01:42:55,882
Chris: Yeah, it's. It's Jesus. The Jesus snack.

01:42:55,946 --> 01:42:56,442
Kayla: Snack.

01:42:56,546 --> 01:43:16,912
Chris: Yeah, it's a little. It's a little snack. It's a little cracker, but yeah. So. And I think that it also has other elements as well, like you said with the meditation and things like that. So high ritual. Population slash niche. Is it niche? This is weird. This is. I would say the population is high, but I'm not sure that it's mainstream.

01:43:17,056 --> 01:43:21,568
Kayla: I don't know, man. I had never 140 restaurants, though, all across the country.

01:43:21,624 --> 01:43:30,352
Chris: Are we talking about loving, hut? Are we talking about Supreme Master Chinghai's? I guess it's all part of the same thing. It's the fastest growing vegan restaurant.

01:43:30,984 --> 01:43:36,568
Kayla: It's kind of like there's churches everywhere, but you don't necessarily know, like, who your bishop is or whatever.

01:43:36,704 --> 01:43:48,194
Chris: Boy, this one feels like it's right down the middle. Maybe it's kind of, like semi niche, right. It's, like niche, but there's still a lot. It's, I don't know, 50%.

01:43:48,458 --> 01:43:49,066
Kayla: Yeah.

01:43:49,218 --> 01:43:54,642
Chris: Okay. Expected harm. This one. I'm gonna give, like, a 30% maybe.

01:43:54,706 --> 01:43:55,362
Kayla: Okay.

01:43:55,506 --> 01:43:59,986
Chris: Just because up until you told me some of the things that alleged.

01:44:00,058 --> 01:44:00,914
Kayla: All alleged.

01:44:01,082 --> 01:44:07,234
Chris: Some of the alleged things about followers, you know, leaving their families and that sort of thing.

01:44:07,282 --> 01:44:08,750
Kayla: Drinking dirty bath water.

01:44:09,440 --> 01:44:14,380
Chris: Right. And the things that Mister Alan Ross said.

01:44:14,840 --> 01:44:16,260
Kayla: Rick Alan Ross.

01:44:16,760 --> 01:44:29,776
Chris: Mister Ross said those sound harmful, but they're all sort of alleged. And I don't know, they're also like, hey, peace, and we're gonna, you know, help flight victims.

01:44:29,848 --> 01:44:34,744
Kayla: And it seems like a benef, if it beneficial group in a lot of ways.

01:44:34,792 --> 01:44:38,172
Chris: In a lot of ways. Yeah. So that's why I think it does get a little bit there.

01:44:38,316 --> 01:45:05,038
Kayla: And especially because it, like, allows. It allows you to kind of retain other aspects of your life. Like, I know we've talked about other cults and groups do that where they're like, yeah, whatever faith of yours is fine, but, like, I don't think Teal's necessarily welcoming a bunch of people to, like, be christians necessarily, or, like, you know what I mean? Like, that's not necessarily a part of it. Whereas this is, like, all the faiths are good, and we're all just friends. We all believe the same thing.

01:45:05,134 --> 01:45:09,942
Chris: I'd be curious. I kind of want to look that up. I feel like teal might say the same thing. Cause she just wants followers.

01:45:10,086 --> 01:45:36,140
Kayla: She is going to say it in a way. To me, that feels very different to this teal with her whole, like, I'm a no bullshitter kind of attitude. She can be kind of condescending and almost insulting. And I don't really get that from what I've learned about Supreme Master Qinghai. Also, we should note the fact that she calls herself Supreme Master Qinghai. I don't know if we've said that's culting.

01:45:36,440 --> 01:45:38,688
Chris: Well, when we talk about charismatic leader.

01:45:38,744 --> 01:45:41,020
Kayla: Which is the next criteria, I'm getting ahead of myself.

01:45:42,720 --> 01:46:01,496
Chris: So certainly she's, like, the most arrogant charismatic leader. I think we've run across more arrogant than teal, actually. I don't know. I think all of these cult. Yeah, you're right. All these charismatic leaders have a heavy dose of that, and Shanghai seems to be no exception.

01:46:01,568 --> 01:46:02,180
Kayla: Yeah.

01:46:04,360 --> 01:46:15,944
Chris: You showed me pictures. Her appearance is very charismatic. She has people flying out to her, paying their own money to get there and be on her tv channel.

01:46:16,032 --> 01:46:27,080
Kayla: And if her stories are believed to be true, people have been trying to follow her for her entire life. Like, people are drawn to her. So the charisma is present.

01:46:27,240 --> 01:46:28,000
Chris: Yeah.

01:46:28,160 --> 01:46:47,398
Kayla: Also, I don't know where this fits in, but, like, I came across the phrase multiple times. The phrase multiple times. Gospel of veganism. And, like, how even though we're going to these restaurants and we're not, like, getting proselytized at just the act of kind of, like, spreading veganization throughout the world, it's almost kind of, like, missionary.

01:46:47,534 --> 01:46:48,166
Chris: Oh, yeah.

01:46:48,238 --> 01:46:49,022
Kayla: Style.

01:46:49,206 --> 01:46:49,686
Chris: Yeah.

01:46:49,758 --> 01:46:52,550
Kayla: I just wanted to bring that up before we finished going through our criteria.

01:46:52,630 --> 01:46:55,438
Chris: Vegan Jesuits gospel of veganism. Yeah. Yeah.

01:46:55,494 --> 01:46:56,854
Kayla: Maybe we should proceed.

01:46:56,902 --> 01:46:59,102
Chris: Maybe we should add a criteria about proselytizing.

01:46:59,206 --> 01:47:04,886
Kayla: No, because we talked about that before. We talked about that before we came up with the criteria.

01:47:05,078 --> 01:47:07,374
Chris: Oh. Are we missing one?

01:47:07,502 --> 01:47:16,856
Kayla: No, we talked about. We talked about why it wouldn't be a good criteria. Oh, because like, best friends animal society, their cult was not proselytize.

01:47:17,048 --> 01:47:28,568
Chris: Right. I think we discussed it in the thing we. We decided on not to include. That is because some groups are very close. Feels more like it's a closed thing than an open thing.

01:47:28,624 --> 01:47:36,356
Kayla: Right. Some of them are very much like, we'll take whatever, like a Mary Kay or something like that. But some of them are very like, we're our group. Fuck you.

01:47:36,488 --> 01:48:13,470
Chris: Right, right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so that's all six. So expected. Now, this is not the same order that I listed them in, so I'm just being a terrible host right now. But anyway, expected harm, we said, like, 30 ish percent population slash niche, we said is right down the middle, 50. Anti factuality a little bit. Percentage of lice consumed can kind of depend. I. But can be quite a bit depending on if you're just meditating or if you own a restaurant or if you're, you know, leaving your family for months at a time. Rituals high and charismatic leaders high.

01:48:14,330 --> 01:48:17,682
Kayla: It's a cult. I'm sorry, I don't know.

01:48:17,706 --> 01:48:18,890
Chris: A few of those were pretty low.

01:48:18,970 --> 01:48:20,562
Kayla: Rick Allen Ross says it's a cult.

01:48:20,706 --> 01:48:22,442
Chris: Oh, is that. We have one criteria.

01:48:22,506 --> 01:48:30,776
Kayla: I'm just saying the guy criterion runs a cult. University or whatever. Listen, man says it's a cult. I'm saying it's a cult. It's a cult.

01:48:30,848 --> 01:48:33,408
Chris: This is our show. We get to say what we want on it.

01:48:33,464 --> 01:48:36,464
Kayla: I'm saying it's a cult. What are you saying?

01:48:36,552 --> 01:48:43,216
Chris: Based on my gut feeling. So you're just gonna throw away the criteria and it's just based on your gut?

01:48:43,248 --> 01:48:48,080
Kayla: I think that the criteria for me are sufficient to call it a cult.

01:48:48,160 --> 01:48:52,940
Chris: I mean, it hits on all six. It doesn't necessarily score highly on all six.

01:48:53,520 --> 01:49:01,310
Kayla: It's a cult for me. It's got the charismatic leader and spades. It's definitely more of a beneficial cult.

01:49:01,770 --> 01:49:35,834
Chris: So I was talking about this, actually. I don't know if we've mentioned on the show yet, but I was talking about this with one of our listeners about how we should apply the criteria and up to this point, we've been sort of using sort of like a percentage, and if they all sort of hit a little bit, or if maybe five out of six of them hit, then it's a cult. But his. He had an interesting take. He feels like to really, to be able to fully call something a cult, it should solidly land all six. And if even one doesn't hit, then it's just weird.

01:49:35,922 --> 01:49:45,270
Kayla: I disagree. I think. I disagree with that. I think that will end up being more limiting than is good.

01:49:45,970 --> 01:49:51,558
Chris: So you would like to call more things cults? Yeah, that's what I'm hearing.

01:49:51,614 --> 01:49:52,014
Kayla: Yeah.

01:49:52,102 --> 01:49:55,910
Chris: Well, last week, you were all like, I don't want to call it a cult. I want to call it a cult.

01:49:55,990 --> 01:49:57,050
Kayla: I'm so scared.

01:49:58,150 --> 01:50:04,526
Chris: But now you're not. This lady has, like, global network of vegan army.

01:50:04,638 --> 01:50:17,008
Kayla: I'm more scared of Mary Kay than I am of Qinghai. And also, their largest estimate is 2 million members. Mary Kay's got 3.55 million sellers.

01:50:17,184 --> 01:50:20,740
Chris: Right. And they could mobilize and march on us. Yeah, that's true.

01:50:21,320 --> 01:50:26,980
Kayla: If I had to pick between 2 million people wanting to be mad at me and three and a half million, I'm gonna pick two.

01:50:27,480 --> 01:50:59,398
Chris: Yeah. So I gotta be honest, I don't. I'm not sure how I feel about whether the criteria should be ands ors. Whether they should be. You have to have all of them, or whether they should be. Preponderance of evidence. I really haven't decided on that yet. I. So what we've been doing on the show is preponderance of evidence. So let's keep doing it that way. And in that rubric, I guess it is indeed a cult, because it hits more of these than it doesn't. And even the ones that it doesn't, it hits a little bit.

01:50:59,574 --> 01:51:03,006
Kayla: Boom. Can we go eat there again, though? It's delicious.

01:51:03,078 --> 01:51:04,790
Chris: I don't know. It's.

01:51:04,870 --> 01:51:08,286
Kayla: God, what if we got somebody else to buy it for us?

01:51:08,398 --> 01:51:10,930
Chris: No, we would have to dine and dash, as you say.

01:51:11,350 --> 01:51:14,126
Kayla: I don't want to do that to some. It's not hurting.

01:51:14,198 --> 01:51:15,470
Chris: They're very nice to us.

01:51:15,510 --> 01:51:19,050
Kayla: It's not hurting her. It's hurting the franchise owners.

01:51:19,470 --> 01:51:25,158
Chris: Oh, man. I think we can probably eat there again, ethically, honestly, we probably eat it.

01:51:25,214 --> 01:51:26,902
Kayla: Way less ethical places.

01:51:27,046 --> 01:51:28,910
Chris: That's true. I would probably. Today.

01:51:29,030 --> 01:51:39,118
Kayla: Yeah. Like, frankly, there's a lot of issues with the restaurant industry, so if we're gonna eat at restaurants at all, I guess it's fine.

01:51:39,174 --> 01:51:43,038
Chris: So, yeah. I would definitely eat there again, buy that measure.

01:51:43,134 --> 01:51:47,650
Kayla: Maybe we should find an organization that we can, like, donate to offset when we eat there.

01:51:48,390 --> 01:51:51,982
Chris: But like you said, then we would have to donate every time we put food in our mouth from a restaurant.

01:51:52,006 --> 01:51:58,830
Kayla: Yeah, but, like, at least this, we have done, like, a podcast episode about, and I feel a lot worse about eating there than, like, McDonald's.

01:51:58,870 --> 01:52:06,274
Chris: Let's put it up to our listeners. Listeners, should we or should we not eat at loving hut again? What say you?

01:52:06,322 --> 01:52:07,498
Kayla: Just please tell us.

01:52:07,554 --> 01:52:15,138
Chris: Hit us up on Twitter alterjustweird. Hit us up on our Instagram or Facebook or just email

01:52:15,194 --> 01:52:18,466
Kayla: I need to know because I want to eat that jackfruit salad again.

01:52:18,618 --> 01:52:21,866
Chris: Yeah. And I want to have that. That fake beef, mongolian beef dish.

01:52:21,898 --> 01:52:22,890
Kayla: It was delicious.

01:52:23,050 --> 01:52:32,628
Chris: It was super delicious. And like, honestly, if I'm ever going to eat less meat the way I would like to help support climate change and that sort of thing.

01:52:32,684 --> 01:52:34,612
Kayla: To help support.

01:52:34,716 --> 01:52:47,492
Chris: Yes, I would. Well, I said change. It could be changing for the better anyway. Then I don't know how I would be able to do that without going to loving hut because it was so good. It was very close to meat.

01:52:47,556 --> 01:52:54,470
Kayla: I've eaten in a lot of vegan restaurants. I love vegan restaurants. And this is definitely a top experience for me.

01:52:54,590 --> 01:52:57,150
Chris: Yeah, it was extremely close to real meat.

01:52:57,310 --> 01:52:58,198
Kayla: All right.

01:52:58,374 --> 01:53:02,918
Chris: So I think that's a great way to end the podcast, is by talking about close to real meat.

01:53:03,054 --> 01:53:05,438
Kayla: Close to real meat culture.

01:53:05,454 --> 01:53:08,090
Chris: Just weird. Close to real meat.

01:53:09,390 --> 01:53:11,438
Kayla: Well, then I'm Kayla.

01:53:11,534 --> 01:53:12,558
Chris: And I'm Chris.

01:53:12,694 --> 01:53:15,790
Kayla: And this has been cult or just.

01:53:15,870 --> 01:53:18,390
Chris: Meat that's renting it.