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Destructive Episodes

Oct. 10, 2023

S5E9 - The Criminals (Hare Krishnas, pt2)

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?   --- "It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible." -David Brin     Chris and Kayla explore the nature of power and learn …
Sept. 26, 2023

S5E8 - The Chanters (Hare Krishnas, pt 1)

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?   --- "Repetition not for monotony but the ecstasy it induces." - Martha Graham     Chris and Kayla go to a restaurant. Kind of. Don't worry, we'll repeat ourselves.   --- *Se…
Aug. 29, 2023

S5E7 - The Gambler's Meritocracy (American State-run Lotteries)

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?   ---   It's hard to detect good luck--it looks so much like something you've earned. - Frank A. Clark   Chris and Kayla visit a liquor store to try and resurrect the American…
April 11, 2023

S5E1 - The Wives & Their Father (the Source Family)

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out? ---   Experience is the teacher of all things. - Julius Caesar   Kayla and Chris kick off Season 5 by going to a cult within a cult... culturducken.   --- *Search Categories* …
Nov. 15, 2022

S4E17 - The Keening (Midsommar)

Cult or Just Weird
June 14, 2022

S4E6 - The Scheme (B&B Worm Farm Ponzi)

Cult or Just Weird